Cavallino, Venezia, 1945. 20,7x14,2 cm., bross., pp. 26 (8), copertina al tratto e 11 tavv. b.n. f.t. Tiratura di 990 es. numerati.Prima edizione. In buono stato (good copy).
Reference : 33982
Libreria Malavasi
Sergio Malavasi
Largo Schuster 1
20122 Milano
+39 02 804607
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BRISSON Barnabé [BRISSONIUS], CISNER Nicolaus [CISNERIUS], REUSNER Nicolai & Ieremias, GENTILI Scipione
Reference : J57532
Hanoviae, apud Guilielmum Antonium 1600 [2bl] 255 [9] pp., full vellum (slightly cracked at spine), 16cm., some usual use but overal VG, [bound together with 3 other works. I: CISNER Nicolaus, "Commentarius ad Tit. Institutionum Imperialium de actionibus: item & de exceptionibus, cum praefatione Nicolai Reusneri, recognitus opera & fide Jeremiae Reusneri", Albinum, Spirae Nemetum apud Bernardnum, 1588, [16] 169 [7] pp., II: CISNER Nicolaus, "Micolai Cisneri de iure usucapionum commentarius ad tit. Pandectarum seu Digestorum de usurpationibus & usucapionibus. Adiunctis aliquot iurisconsultorum N.Reusneri, ob Giphani, G.Obrehti disputationibus quibus tota usucapionum materia breuiter quidem continetur. Editus opera & studio Ieremiae Reusneri Leorini", Albinum, Spirae Nemetum apud Bernardum, 1588, 192pp., & III: GENTILI Scipione, "Scipionis Gentilis iuriscos. De alimentis liber singularis, ad orationem Divi Marci", [Francofurti], apud heredes Andreae Wecheli, Claudium Marnium & Jo.Aubrium, 1600, [16] 118 [1bl] [1] pp.]
Phone number : +32476917667
Reference : ABE-1565719450
Vérone, Tumermani, 1730 ; in-8 de xli-[2]-282 pp., veau fauve glacé de l'époque, dos à nerfs orné de caissons de fleurons dorés, roulette intérieure, tranches mouchetées rouges.
Belle édition véronaise du théâtre de Maffei (1675-1755), réunissant sa célèbre tragédie Merope, la comédie Cerimonie et le livret de l'opéra de Vivaldi La Fida Ninfa. Elle est agrémentée de beaux ornements gravés sur cuivre par Andrea Zucchi : portrait du dédicataire, Renaud III de Modène, avec lettrine historiée à ses armes, 4 vignettes de titre d'après des reliques antiques, une autre dans le texte et une planche dépliante représentant des bacchantes. Ex-libris héraldique d'Édouard de Laplane (1774-1870), historien et maire de Sisteron, qui en recouvre un autre plus ancien. Reliure un peu usée aux extrémités, travail de ver sur un mors. Quelques corrections à l'encre dans le texte de Merope, aux pages 5, 41 et 44.
, Jaca Book, 2014 Paperback, 348 pages , ITA, 240 x 170 x 30 mm, very good condition / ottime condizioni , illustrations / photos in b/w, *** with signature of Walter Geerts***. ISBN 9788816412583.
The theme of this volume comes from the group of six tapestries preserved in the Belgica Academy in Rome, a partial re-edition of the series of 22 pieces depicting the exploits and triumph of Publio Cornelio Scipione, known as the African, the winner of Hannibal. Woven in Brussels on models by Giulio Romano, assisted by Gianfrancesco Penni, they were purchased by Francesco I and burned during the French Revolution to recover the gold and silver threads. The six pieces of the Belgica Academy, made in Brussels in the mid-sixteenth century, constitute one of the oldest re-editions, which belonged to Ippolito d'Este. The Renaissance and Baroque tapestry is an artifact that asks many questions: who gave the commission for the specific theme, Scipio the African? Who "invented" the scene program? What are the sources, ancient and modern, painted and literary, that inspired the program? For what reason, with what intentions, for which "audience" was the theme chosen? How was the "myth" that is being built around Scipio born? And what happens in the following centuries? The book reflects this multiplicity and various disciplines join hands: history of art, ancient and modern history, philology, history of literature and theater. And of cinema, since it ends with the refined Scipione by Luigi Magni, a director who died in 2013.
Firenze, Stamperia d'Amadore Massi, et Lorenzo Landi, 1640-1637-1642. 4to. Bound in 3 cont. full vellum (Italian bindings). Title- and tomelabels in leather gilt on backs. Some wormholes to top and bottom of backs. All 3 volumes have loss of vellum on one cover. 3 nice engraved titlepages in baroquestyle and 3 halftitles. (4),748(22),687,(10)(6),544 pp. Printed on good paper. Lower right corners in vol. 2 and 3 faintly dampstained.
First edition.