Ridotte a miglior lezione e corredate di note da B. Bianchi. Giannini, Napoli, 1864. In-16 gr., 2 volumi in 1, cartonato moderno, tit. oro su tassello al dorso, conservata copertina originale, pp. XXI,(2),396; 396.In buono stato (good copy)..
Reference : 17119
Libreria Malavasi
Sergio Malavasi
Largo Schuster 1
20122 Milano
+39 02 804607
par virement bancaire - contre remboursement (pour clients en Italie seulement) - paypal
Verona 1927 Instituto Nazionale per la Edizione di tutte le Opere de Gabriele d'Annunzio Soft cover Fine
Tutte Le Opere Softcover, 330 x 230 mm Original publisher's cover in good condition, contains 107 pages of text with details of the edition, including available paper types, prices and binding types, plus dozens of illustrations , including of the book bindings to choose from. Unnumbered copy, separately enclosed are some English-language subscription forms , including for the 6 copies on vellum, which were going to cost 10000 lire per volume. Prosmectus in book form, for the publication of the collected works of Gabrielle d'Annunzio. This edition was budgeted at 40 volumes but it would eventually become 49. People worked on it for more than seven years and had to buy a cylinder press especially for it. very fine condition
Phone number : +32(0)496 80 81 92
Modena 1988 Il Bulino Soft cover
Alfabeto del disegno, sessantasette opere 1930 - 1985 Softcover, 315 x 290 mm, pages are not numbered, good condition
Brussel 1783 MATTHAEI LEMAIRE Full-Leather
Acta Sanctorum Belgii selecta : quae tum ex monumentis sinceris necdum in Bollandiano opere ed.,in-4, full leather, 3 vol: tomus 1 : {48}752 pp, tkomus 231} 684 pp, tomus 3: {38} 736pp, stamps on the first page, printers device of palmising, bookblock in very good condition very clean, rare
Phone number : +32(0)496 80 81 92
Milano 1954 Amilcare pizzi Hardcover
Ventiquattro Opere del Museo Civico d'arte Antica di Palazzo madama a Torino catalogue nr 999/2000 hardcover,300 x 230 mm, 83 pp et 24 planches, avec cassette, en bon etat
Vérone, Mondadori, 1927. In-4 broché, couv. rempliée, 109 pp.+ planches hors texte (facsimilés et photogravures), certaines contrecollées et quelques-unes en couleurs. Tirage limité à 800 exemplaires, celui-ci non numéroté.
Premier volume de la série publiée jusqu’en 1936 par l’Istituto Nazionale per la Edizione di Tutte le Opere di Gabriele D'Annunzio. Couverture et tranches légèrement piquées, sinon bel exemplaire. - Frais de port : -France 6,9 € -U.E. 9 € -Monde (z B : 15 €) (z C : 25 €)