Trattato. Traduzione italiana di G.B. Duca, con note e aggiunte. Ronna, Crema, 1818-23. In-8 p., 8 volumi in 7 tomi (di cui 2 di Supplemento), brossura orig. (3 dorsi con mancanze). L'opera è cosi' suddivisa: Osteologia - Dei legamenti delle ossa - Dei muscoli tendinosi, e delle borse mucose - Del cervello e dei nervi - Angiologia - Splancnologia. I 2 volumi di Supplemento contengono il Trattato dei sensi, compilato su altre opere di Soemmering e di altri celebri autori, da D.V. Mantovani. "Prima edizione della traduzione italiana". Cfr. CLIO,VI, p. 4367.Samuel Thomas Sommerring (1755-1830), un des anatomistes les plus habiles et les plus laborieux de l'Allemagne, doit etre considéré comme un des créateurs de cette anatomie chirurgicale qui a fourni tant de notions précieuses sur le mécanisme et la nature d'un gran nombre de lésions de nos organes.. Le manuel de Sommerring est supérieur à tout ce qui avait été publié jusque-là en ce genre.. Les parties les plus remarquables en sont l'ostéologie, l'odontogénie, et surtout la description du cerveau et des nerfs. Così Encyclopédie des sciences médicales (1841),II, p. 775. Testi ben conservati, con barbe.
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Crema, Antonio Ronna, 1818/1823, 8 tomes reliés en 7 volumes in 8, demi-basane, dos ornés de filets dorés (reliures de l'époque), (quelques rousseurs) T.1 : (3), 345pp., T.2 : (2), 68pp., (1pp.), T.3 : pp. 71/344, T.4 : 316pp., T.5 : 379pp., T.6 : 291pp., T.7 : (1), 32pp., (1), 270pp., T.8 : 35pp., 402pp., (2)
---- FIRST ITALIAN EDITION ---- TROIS FEUILLES MANUSCRITS DE L'ÉPOQUE ONT ETE INSERES DANS LE TOME 5 ---- "Toward the end of the century, Samuel Thomas Von Soemmerring (1755/1830), a native of Thorn, Western Prussia, wrote a monumental treatise on anatomy Vom Baue des menschlichen Körpers . Soemmerring made most important researches on the brain, the eye, the ear, throat, nose, hernia, the anthropology of the negro and the injurious effects of corsets... . (Garrison Hist. of Med. p. 333). Soemmering Handbook of human anatomy was based as far as possible on his own observations and was conceived as a supplement to Haller's Primae lineae physiologiae. It contains an impressive list of his anatomical discoveries. Among those that are still accepted, two of the most remarkable are the observation that arterial trunks always lie on the bent side of the joints and the discovery that the small part of the trigeminal nerve always lies against the third branch". (DSB XII p. 510) ---- Garrison N° 400 1st german ed. - Bayle & Thillaye II pp. 774/776 - Jourdan VII p. 231 - Haymaker pp. 7 & 288 - MacHenry**4818/S.ARM