I sommi dell'arte italiana. Martello, Milano, 1956. In-4 p., tela editoriale, sovracoperta (picc. manc. al dorso), pp. 56,(6), con 190 illustrazioni in bianco e nero in tavv. f.t. e 20 ill. a colori applicate alla pagina nel testo. Testo in francese. Ben conservato.
Reference : 158186
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[Gian Antonio Guardi] - Pedrocco, Filippo and Federico Montecuccoli degli Erri
Reference : 044872
ISBN : 8885125203
Pedrocco, Filippo and Federico Montecuccoli degli Erri: Antonio Guardi. Milan: Berenice, 1992. Series: Catalogues RaisonnÃs d'Arte Veneta. 356pp with 36 colour plates, 150 monochrome illustrations. Cloth. 28x25cms. Based on new findings, this complete catalogue presents the life and works of Antonio Guardi (1699-1760), often overshadowed by the success of his brother, Francesco. With bibliography and analytical index. Text in Italian.
Based on new findings, this complete catalogue presents the life and works of Antonio Guardi (1699-1760), often overshadowed by the success of his brother, Francesco. With bibliography and analytical index. Text in Italian
Morassi, Antonio: Guardi. L'Opera Completa di Antonio e Francesco Guardi. 2 volumes. Alfieri, 1984. Volume I: 539 pages, 64 colour illustrations. Volume II: unpaginated, 950 black & white plates. Hardback in a slipcase. 30 x 26cms. Text in Italian.
Text in Italian
Simonson, George A.: Francesco Guardi 1712-1793. London: Methuen, 1904. 103 pages with 42 monochrome plates, 5 in photogravure. Cloth. 39x29cms. Discussion of Venice and Venetian art in Guardi's time. With biography, family tree, detailed analysis of his techniques and work and bibliography.
Discussion of Venice and Venetian art in Guardi's time. With biography, family tree, detailed analysis of his techniques and work and bibliography
Spadotto, Federica: Giacomo Guardi. Dipinti, disegni e gouaches. Paintings, Drawings and Gouaches. 2019. 349 pages, 75 colour and 460 black & white illustrations. Hardback. 31 x 25cms. Complete catalogue of Guardi's ouvre, containing previously unpublished works. Text in Italian and English.
Complete catalogue of Guardi's ouvre, containing previously unpublished works. Text in Italian and English
Bruxelles, Fonds Mercator, 2012 Couverture reliee sous jaquette ,240 x 280mm.,244pp., 130 illustrations en couleurs. bon etat. ISBN 9789061538226.
LCanaletto-guardi Venise et son charme intemporel deviennent au xviiie siecle le sujet de predilection de peintres appeles vedutistes . Leurs vues de Venise se repandent tres vite en Europe et font de la veduta, aujourd'hui encore, le genre le plus collectionne et l'un des plus aimes du public. Si l'ouvrage offre une place centrale a Canaletto, figure emblematique du genre, en devoilant plus de vingt-cinq oeuvres remarquables du maitre, issues des plus grands musees et collections, il resitue egalement l'artiste au sein de ce grand genre artistique. Ses oeuvres entrent en resonance avec celles de Gaspar van Wittel, Luca Carlevarijs, Michele Marieschi, Bernardo Bellotto et Francesco Guardi qui s'impose comme le dernier maitre ayant reussi a immortaliser l'enchantement et l'elegance du xviiie siecle venitien. Le Musee Jacquemart-Andre presente egalement des ? caprices ? : de remarquables scenes d'une Venise imaginaire, peintes par Canaletto, Guardi et Bellotto.