‎Second edition. Fisher Unwin / Putnam's Sons, London / New York, 1869. In-16 gr. (mm. 194x130), tela edit. figur. con titolo in oro al piatto e al dorso, pp. XVII,356,(24, di pubblicità edit.), con numerose illustrazioni nel t. e 1 carta geografica, ripieg. e f.t. Phoenicia: the country, the people, the cities, the colonies - Early Phoenician enterprise - Hiram's dealings with David and Solomon - Darker aspects of the Phoenician religion - Story of the founding of Carthage - Phoenicia's contest with Assyria, with Babilon - Phoenicia under the Babylonians, the Persians, the Greeks and Romans - Phoenician architecture, manufactures and works of art, language, writing and literature.Volume della Collana The Story of the Nations. Firma di apparten. al frontesp., altrimenti esemplare ben conservato.‎

Reference : 132227


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5 book(s) with the same title


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‎Studia Phoenicia. IV: Religio Phoenicia (Acta colloquii Namurcensis habiti diebus 14 et 15 mensis Decembris anni 1984)‎

‎Namur, Société des Etudes Classiques 1986 ix + 371pp. avec 18 figures dans le texte, dans la série "Collection d'études classiques" volume 1, reliure toile d'éditeur, 25cm., bel état (état de neuf), X57102‎

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‎LIPINSKI E. (ed.)‎

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‎Leuven, Peeters 1991 ix + 244pp., hardcover (publisher's green cloth), dustwrapper, 25cm., in the series "Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta" volume 44, fine condition (as new), ISBN 978-90-6831-377-2, X80264‎

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