With an account of a subsequent mission to that Country in 1805. To which is added an account of the life of Mr. Park. A New Edition. (Unito a:) THE JOURNAL OF A MISSION TO THE INTERIOR OF AFRICA IN THE YEAR 1805.... The second edition, revised and corrected, with additions. Murray, London, 1815-1816. In-8 gr. (mm 270x210), 2 volumi, p. pelle coeva con cornici dorate e a secco ai piatti, dorso a cordoni (in pelle moderna) con decoraz. e titolo oro, pp. XVIII,(2),458; XVII,(3),373. L'opera è molto ben illustrata f.t. da incisioni in rame, i.e.: 1 ritratto dell'A. in ovale, inciso da T. Dickinson su disegno di H. Edridge - 2 tavole di carattere botanico (Rhamnus Lotus - Shea, or the butter tree (karite') - 3 di vedute (Ali's tent at the Camp of Benowm - Kamalia - A bridge over the Ba-fing or Black River) - 1 tav. di musica notata (Song from Mr. Park's Travels) e 4 grandi mappe, più volte ripieg., con i confini colorati a mano (The route of Mr. Mungo Park - Map of North Africa - Chart of variations - Map to illustrate the last mission into Africa). - Il volume 1° (in una nuova edizione pubblicata nel 1816) contiene la relazione dei travels in 1795, 1796 and 1797. With an Appendix, containing geographical illustrations of Africa, by Major Rennell.- Il volume 2° ("The Journal of a mission.."), in seconda edizione (la prima uscì separatamente nel mese di Marzo 1815), contiene other documents, official and private, relating to the same mission. To which is prefixed an account of the life of Mr. Park.Cfr. Gay,2788: L'édition de 1816 et celle de 1817, renferment le journal qui s'est publié séparément sous le titre "The journal of a mission..", London, 1815. La relation de Mungo Park a été traduite dans presque toutes les langues européennes - Brunet,IV, p. 375 - Printing and the Mind of Man,253.L'esploratore scozzese Mungo Park (1771-1805) intraprese per conto della Società africana di Londra un viaggio di esplorazione nel bacino del Niger (1795), penetrando dalla Gambia nel Bondu e nella valle del Senegal e seguendo quindi il corso del Niger fino a Segu, nel Bambara. Il resoconto del viaggio ("Travels in the interior of Africa", 1799) lo rese popolare in Inghilterra. Ripartito alcuni anni dopo dalla Gambia (1805), Park raggiunse di nuovo il corso del Niger proponendosi di seguirlo fino alla foce, ma, mentre cercava con un battello di superare le rapide di Bussa, veniva attaccato e ucciso dagli indigeni insieme a tutti i suoi campagni. L'ardimento con cui penetrò in regioni difficili e ostili e il valore delle relazioni scritte fin poco prima della morte, fanno di lui uno dei maggiori esploratori moderni dell'Africa. Così Diz. Treccani,IX, p. 61. Esemplare ben conservato.
Reference : 125181
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London, W. Bulmer and Co., 1799. 4to. Bound to style in a fine later hcalf. Title-and tomelabels with gilt lettering. Blindtoolings to bands and compartments of spine. Engraved portrait as frontispiece. XXVIII,(2),372,XCII pp., 2 engraved plates with music, 5 engraved plates (of which 3 are views) and 3 large folded engraved maps. One map strenghtened in foldings and edges, one map with a closed tear to folding. Wide-margined, a few margins slightly brownspotted. Light offsetting to title and portrait.
Second edition - the same year as the first - of this classic work of travel litterature.""Until the publicationof Park's book in 1799 hardly anything was known of the interior of Africa, apart from the north-east region and coastal areas....the real opening up of Africa by the white races began with the African Association, founded in 1788 with the express purpose of exploring Africa and furthering British tradee and political influence onthe continent...Parl's travels had an immediate success and was translated into most European languages...ita scientific observations on the botany and meteorology of the region, and on the social and domestic life of the negroes , have remained of lasting value. Park's career was short, but he made the first great practical advance in the opening-up of Central Africa."" (Printing and the Mind of Man: 253.).
London, Printed By W. Bulmer And Co. For The Author; And Sold By G. & W.Nicol, 1799. In-4 de XXVIII-372-XCII pp., (5) pp. (A Negro song, texte et musique), veau caramel, dos à nerfs, filet doré sur les plats (reliure de l'époque).
Édition originale illustrée de 1 portrait, 3 cartes dépliantes, 5 planches et 2 pages de musique.Suite à la mort du major Houghton en 1793, parti explorer le cours du Niger, Mungo-Park (1771-1806) fut chargé par la Société Africaine de Londres, de poursuivre les recherches en Nigritie ; il découvrit et remonta le Niger jusqu'alors inconnu. Il revint en Europe en 1797, avec de nombreux documents qu'il publia avec un grand retentissement.Mungo Park entreprit en 1803 un second voyage dans la même région où il fut tué.« Les Voyages dans l'Intérieur de l'Afrique, ont servi de base à toutes les recherches ultérieures sur le continent africain » (Larousse). Bel exemplaire.PMM, 253.
London, W. Bukmer and Co., 1799. 4to (270x235mm), contemporary half-calf, skilfully engraved portrait with the original spine laid down. With engraved portrait, 2 plates with musical scores, 3 folding maps (1 tear rep.) and 5 engraved plates (2 folding). XXVIII, 372, XCII, (2)pp. Published in the same year as the first edition; with bookplate of James St Aubyne. Mungo Park (1771-1806) was the first European to reach the well-nigh fabulous waters of the Niger. He followed the river almost to the Senegal valley. He finally reached Gambia after a lengthy return journey. His journal included a detailed description of a travel conditions, the nature of the area, rivers, and customs of various tribes. Few foxing.