Longmans, Green and Co. London, 1889. In-8 p. (mm. 220x138), tela edit., pp. XXII,583,24 (di catalogo dell'Editore), con numerose figure nel t., 10 tavole f.t. che illustrano monumenti, oggetti d'arte, vedute, e con 2 carte geografiche a colori di cui 1, più volte ripieg., con le colonie dei Fenici.The land - Climate and productions - The people. Origin and characteristics - The cities - The colonies - Architecture - Aesthetic art - Industrial art and manufactures - Ships, navigation and commerce - Mining - Religion - Dress, ornaments and social habits - Writing, language and literature - Political history (Phoenicia before and under the hegemony of Tyre. During the period of its subjection to Assiria. During the struggles with Babylon and Egypt. Under the Persians, the Greeks and the Romans.Esemplare ben conservato.
Reference : 105048
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