Observations and impressions. MacMillan, London, 1912. In-8, tela editoriale, pp. XXIV,612, con 4 carte geografiche a colori fuori testo. Da Panama allo Stretto di Magellano. Ben conservato.
Reference : 10337
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Livre en anglais. South America handbook, 1956.
Reference : alb6622ca2863877eed
Ionin A.S. On South America. Vol. 3. /Ionin A.S. Po Yuzhnoy Amerike. Tom 3. With a color map of South America. 2nd edition. Moscow. Printing house Public Usefulness 1903. 7 678 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb6622ca2863877eed
Reference : alb46d9304e3db486e0
Deberle Alfred: The history of South America from conquest to our time. /Deberl' Al'fred. Istoriya Yuzhnoy Ameriki ot zavoevaniya do nashego vremeni. With a map of South America. S.Pb.Typographer A. Porokhovshchikov. 1899. 551 pp. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb46d9304e3db486e0
Reference : 105675aaf
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1) EGELER, C. G. : The untrodden Andes Climbing, Adventures in the Cordillera Blance Peru. 1955. cloth /2) PUXLEY, Lavallin: The magic land of the Maya. 1928. cloth. /3)MORRISON, Tony: Lad above the clouds A survival special on south American Wildlife ed- by C. Willock, 1974 cloth jacket /4) ATTENBOROUGH, David: Zoo quest in Paraguay. 1950. cloth with jacket.
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