‎Augé de Lassus, Lucien.‎

‎ 1914 1914 Paris Delagrave 1914 1 In 12 Broché 271[pp] Hommage rendu par Lucien Augé de Lassus au maître de la Symphonie Française, musicien français des plus connus de son temps, auteur du chef d'oeuvre encore souvent inconnus et oubliés: Phryné, Thaïs. Ouvrage d'art orchestré comme une progression musicale: Prélude, Scherzo; Allegro, Andante; Allegro vivale jusqu'au finale. Huit planches photographiques (Sybile Sanderson) où l'on remarquera une partition autographe d'une incroyable similitude avec l'écriture des oeuvres de Bach qu'il vénérait.Ouvrage esthétique, aéré, de lecture agréable, portrait originale et personnel plutôt qu'une biographie conventionnelle. Pas d'étude systématique de l'oeuvre. ‎

Reference : LCI-1506

‎ Excellent Frais de port inclus vers France métropole au tarif normal, délai d'acheminement sous 72h, pour les commandes > à 80 euros et poids < 1kg. Disponibilité sous réserve de vente en Boutique. Frais de port inclus vers France métropole au tarif normal, délai d'acheminement sous 72h, pour les commandes > à 80 euros et poids < 1kg. Disponibilité sous réserve de vente en Boutique. Disponibilité sous réserve de vente en boutique, prix valable frais de port inclus pour commande > 90 € et poids < 1 Kg‎

€10.00 (€10.00 )
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5 book(s) with the same title


Reference : 221164

‎La Française.. Chant héroïque de la Grande guerre. Musique de Camille Saint-Saëns. Paroles de Miguel Zamacoïs‎

‎Paris, Verdier, 1915 in-4, [4] pp. n. ch., avec une illustration de Carrey lithographiée sur la première page (un vaillant poilu brandissant un glaive "la justice et le droit" ...), musique notée, en feuille. ‎

‎Édition originale. - Ce sont deux noms prestigieux qui - une fois n'est pas coutume - ont collaboré à cette composition patriotique : le compositeur Saint-Saëns (1835-1921) ; le poète d'origine basque Miguel Zamacoïs (1866-1955)."Cet hymne de la Grande guerre a été composé, à la demande du Petit Parisien, par l'illustre maître Camille Saint-Saëns et par le grand poète Miguel Zamacoïs". - - VENTE PAR CORRESPONDANCE UNIQUEMENT‎


Phone number : 06 46 54 64 48

EUR80.00 (€80.00 )


Reference : 51651

‎Carnaval des animaux Camille Saint-Saens. Facsimile Edition of the Autograph Manuscript.‎

‎, Brepols Publishers, 2018 Hardcover, 192 pages., 127 colour ill., 300 x 366 mm, ISBN 9782503581224.‎

‎If there is one work, in all of Saint-Saens musical output that supremely captures the disposition so typical of the composer, it is the Carnival of the Animals. The collection De main de maitre showcases the facsimiles of the most prestigious scores of the Music Department of the National Library of France. Camille Saint-Saens? extremely long career as a virtuoso, as a brilliant pianist and organist (no fewer than seventy-six years of concerts) and his daunting catalogue of works (close to six hundred are known) have helped shape the image of him as a tutelary figure, omnipresent in the musical landscape of his time, the uncontested master of French music, showered with honours and glory, yet the champion of what was, in the young 20th century, an outmoded aesthetic. Such an image ignores, however, that from the outset of his career, at the end of the 1850s, until the 1890s, Saint-Saens was, on the contrary, regarded in the artistic world as an agitator, as a propagator of new ideas and as an intermediary between French and Germanic cultures. Republican from his earliest days, he was a major figure in musical life, involved in many concert societies, most notably the Societe nationale de musique, which he founded in 1871. He was also a polemicist, whose quill was much feared and who used the press as his vehicle of choice, to disseminate his ideas, attract public attention, and conquer new audiences. Similarly, if the image of the ?official? Saint-Saens, at home with the stage and the institutions and their etiquette, has endured, that of the ?intimate? Saint-Saens, known by a faithful few for his sparkling conversation, his sharp humour and taste for puns, has been lost. If there is one work, in all of Saint-Saens? musical output that supremely captures the disposition so typical of the composer, it is the Carnival of the Animals. Dedicated to the autograph manuscript of Camille Saint-Saens? famous Carnival of the Animals (1835-1921), this volume sheds a distinctive light on the musician?s personality. Completed in February 1886, The Carnival of the Animals was created for friends and performers close to Saint-Saens and was performed about fifteen times between 1886 and 1894 to a small audience. Because Camille Saint-Saens feared that his ?zoological fantasy? would damage his reputation, the work was published in its entirety only after his death. Since then, its immense popularity has continued to grow, so much so that it is now enjoyed by music lovers and the general public alike. Presented by Marie-Gabrielle Soret, a specialist of Camille Saint-Saens, who provides a detailed description of the work and the context of its creation, the facsimile includes the fourteen pieces of The Carnival of the Animals. It reveals the composer?s handwriting, all the performance directions as he noted them, but also to the playful animal drawings with which he decorated his score ? a fish for ?Aquarium, the skeleton of a dinosaur for ?Fossiles?, the pale blue pencil silhouette of a swan to illustrate the famous Swan. La collection ?« De main de maitre ?» presente les fac-similes des partitions les plus prestigieuses du departement de la Musique de la Bibliotheque nationale de France. Dedie au manuscrit autographe du celebre Carnaval des animaux, de Camille Saint-Saens (1835-1921), ce volume eclaire la personnalite du musicien sous un jour particulier. Acheve en fevrier 1886, Le Carnaval des animaux fut cree pour des amis et interpretes proches de Saint-Saens et joue a une quinzaine de reprises entre 1886 et 1894 aupres d?un public restreint. Camille Saint-Saens craignant que cette ?« fantaisie zoologique ?» ne nuise a sa reputation, l?oeuvre ne fut publiee dans son integralite qu?apres la mort du compositeur. Depuis lors, son immense succes n?a cesse de croitre, si bien qu?elle est aujourd?hui appreciee tant par les melomanes que par le grand public. Presente par Marie-Gabrielle Soret, specialiste de Camille Saint-Saens, qui nous livre une description detaillee de l?oeuvre et du contexte de sa creation, le fac-simile comprend les quatorze pieces du Carnaval des animaux. Il permet d'acceder a la graphie du compositeur, a l'ensemble des indications telles qu?il les a notees, mais aussi aux facetieux dessins animaliers dont il emailla sa partition ? un poisson pour ?« Aquarium ?», un squelette de dinosaure pour ?« Fossiles ?», ou encore la pale silhouette au crayon bleu d'un cygne pour accompagner la celebre piece dediee a cet oiseau. Marie-Gabrielle Soret est conservateur en chef au Departement de la musique a la Bibliotheque nationale de France, responsable de la coordination du traitement des grands fonds d'archives et collections des XIXe et XXe siecles, au Service des collections patrimoniales du Departement de la musique (fonds de compositeurs, interpretes, institutions et societes musicales).‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR220.00 (€220.00 )

‎Marie-Gabrielle Soret‎

Reference : 57188

‎Camille Saint-Saëns, Le Carnaval des animaux Facsimile Edition of the Autograph ‎

‎, Brepols 2018, 2018 Hardcover, dusjacket, 192 pages., 127 col. ills, 300 x 366 mm, English/Francais, Manuscript. Fine. ISBN 9782503581224.‎

‎The collection De main de maître showcases the facsimiles of the most prestigious scores of the Music Department of the National Library of France. Camille Saint-Saëns? extremely long career as a virtuoso, as a brilliant pianist and organist (no fewer than seventy-six years of concerts) and his daunting catalogue of works (close to six hundred are known) have helped shape the image of him as a tutelary figure, omnipresent in the musical landscape of his time, the uncontested master of French music, showered with honours and glory, yet the champion of what was, in the young 20th century, an outmoded aesthetic. Such an image ignores, however, that from the outset of his career, at the end of the 1850s, until the 1890s, Saint-Saëns was, on the contrary, regarded in the artistic world as an agitator, as a propagator of new ideas and as an intermediary between French and Germanic cultures. Republican from his earliest days, he was a major figure in musical life, involved in many concert societies, most notably the Société nationale de musique, which he founded in 1871. He was also a polemicist, whose quill was much feared and who used the press as his vehicle of choice, to disseminate his ideas, attract public attention, and conquer new audiences. Similarly, if the image of the ?official? Saint-Saëns, at home with the stage and the institutions and their etiquette, has endured, that of the ?intimate? Saint-Saëns, known by a faithful few for his sparkling conversation, his sharp humour and taste for puns, has been lost. If there is one work, in all of Saint-Saëns? musical output that supremely captures the disposition so typical of the composer, it is the Carnival of the Animals. Dedicated to the autograph manuscript of Camille Saint-Saëns? famous Carnival of the Animals (1835-1921), this volume sheds a distinctive light on the musician?s personality. Completed in February 1886, The Carnival of the Animals was created for friends and performers close to Saint-Saëns and was performed about fifteen times between 1886 and 1894 to a small audience. Because Camille Saint-Saëns feared that his zoological fantasy would damage his reputation, the work was published in its entirety only after his death. Since then, its immense popularity has continued to grow, so much so that it is now enjoyed by music lovers and the general public alike. Presented by Marie-Gabrielle Soret, a specialist of Camille Saint-Saëns, who provides a detailed description of the work and the context of its creation, the facsimile includes the fourteen pieces of The Carnival of the Animals. It reveals the composer's handwriting, all the performance directions as he noted them, but also to the playful animal drawings with which he decorated his score ? a fish for ?Aquarium?, the skeleton of a dinosaur for ?Fossiles?, the pale blue pencil silhouette of a swan to illustrate the famous Swan‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR220.00 (€220.00 )


Reference : 23438



‎ Paris Librairie Gallimard - Editions de la Nouvelle Revue Française 1963 -in-8 cartonné un fort volume, reliure bradel cartonnage polychrome éditeur marron-clair à décor de motifs géométriques orange et or(d'après la maquette de Hollenstein) (hard-back editor Hollenstein in-8) in-octavo (23 x 18,5 cm), l'étui Editeur manque, dos et plats illustrés (spine and cover illustrated), tranches lisses (smooth edges), tirage limité - 1 des exemplaires sur papier Plumex des Papeteries Téka (limited edition) (N°553), orné de 32 ILLUSTRATIONS en couleurs PAR J.-D. MALCLES, MARC SAINT-SAENS, FONTANAROSA, J.-P. PERARO. , 835 pages, 1963 à Paris Librairie Gallimard - Editions de la Nouvelle Revue Française Editeurs,‎

‎exemplaire sans son étui....... Intérieur frais, exemplaire très correct.......en bon état (good condition). bon état ‎

Phone number : 06 81 28 61 70

EUR60.00 (€60.00 )

‎SAINT-SAËNS Camille ‎

Reference : 056251


‎Paris J. Hamelle éditeur (sans date, fin XIXeme) 0 in 4 (34,5x28) 1 volume broché, couverture originale contrecollée (montage ancien), 63, 6, 9, 11, 12, 11 pages. Lith. de C. G. Rodier, Leipzig. Camille Saint-Saëns, Paris 1835 - Alger 1921, pianiste, organiste et compositeur français. Bel envoi autographe signé par Camille Saint-Saëns, daté 1896. Bel exemplaire ‎

‎Très bon Broché Signé par l'auteur ‎

Librairie Rouchaléou - Saint André de Sangonis

Phone number : 06 86 01 78 28

EUR450.00 (€450.00 )
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