DX2-C6, Editions France Loisirs 2005
Reference : 1646755194447
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Livres Anciens et Contemporains
M. Michel Lassalle
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Reference : alb90778c891791fc70
Hirschfeld Magnus Hirschfeld Magnus: A History of the Morals of World War II by Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld Head of the Institute of Sexology in Berlin In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Girshfel'd Magnus Hirschfeld Magnus. Istoriya nravov vremeni mirovoy voyny d ra Magnusa Girshfel'da glavy Instituta seksologii v Berline Sittengeschichte des Weltkrieges herausgegeben von Sanitatsrat Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld leiter des Institutions fur Sexualwissenschaft in Berlin bearbeitet von Dr. Andreas Gaspar. Erster Ban We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb90778c891791fc70
Wimmer, Ludvig F. A.: De Danske Runemindesmærker. Undersøgte og tolkede af Ludv. F. A. Wimmer. Afbildningerne udførte af J. Magnus Petersen. [The Danish Memorial Runestones. Investigated and interpreted by L. F. Wimmer. With illustrations by J. Magnus Petersen]. 4 volumes in 6 tomes. Copenhagen: Gyldendal, 1895-1908. Volume I.1 'Almindelig indledning' [General Introduction].Volume I.2 'De historiske runemindesmaerker' [Historical memorial runestones].Volume II 'Runestenene i Jylland og på Øerne' [Runestones in Jutland and the Islands]. Volume III 'Runestenene i Skåne og pa Bornholm' [Runestones in Skåne and Bornholm].Volume IV.1 'Runeligstene og mindesmærker knyttede til kirker' [Runic and memorial stones linked to churches]. Volume IV.2 'Ordsamling tillaeg og rettelser. Register ' [ Word list supplement with corrections. Directory] 1,510 pages. Hardback. 39.7x31cms. Although the birth of the modern study of runic inscriptions can be dated as far back as the 17th century, it was not until the end of 1800 that runic studies were given methodologically sound, philologically rigorous basis. Ludwig Wimmer's Danmarks runenindskrifter - the first most comprehensive survey of Danish runestones - laid the firm foundations upon which all subsequent generations of scholars have investigated, interpreted and reclassified the vast material.Julius Magnus Petersen (1827-1917) was a Danish copper pointer and artist-archeologist. His family was of Scottish origin. He engraved plates on numismatic and natural history subjects, and collaborated with the English periodical Archaeologia. His work was closely linked to the Museum of Nordic Antiquities and Runic Works. His knowledge of the memorial runestone benefitted from the numerous journeys he took at home and abroad, especially in the Skåne provinces and in Schleswig and Holstein, from which he returned carrying large cycles of drawings. Most are kept at the National Museum in Copenaghen. Text in Danish.
Although the birth of the modern study of runic inscriptions can be dated as far back as the 17th century, it was not until the end of 1800 that runic studies were given methodologically sound, philologically rigorous basis. Ludwig Wimmer's Danmarks runenindskrifter - the first most comprehensive survey of Danish runestones - laid the firm foundations upon which all subsequent generations of scholars have investigated, interpreted and reclassified the vast material.Julius Magnus Petersen (1827-1917) was a Danish copper pointer and artist-archeologist. His family was of Scottish origin. He engraved plates on numismatic and natural history subjects, and collaborated with the English periodical Archaeologia. His work was closely linked to the Museum of Nordic Antiquities and Runic Works. His knowledge of the memorial runestone benefitted from the numerous journeys he took at home and abroad, especially in the Skåne provinces and in Schleswig and Holstein, from which he returned carrying large cycles of drawings. Most are kept at the National Museum in Copenaghen. Text in Danish
Reference : alb107c0ba2960ee0ec
"Krusenstolp Magnus Jakob von Crusenstolpe. Russian courtyard from Peter I to Nicholas I:. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Kruzenshtolp Magnus Yakob (Magnus Jakob von Crusenstolpe). Russkiy dvor ot Petra I do Nikolaya I:.With the In troduction of Russia before the reign of Peter I: In German Der russische Hof von Peter I bis auf Nicolaus I. Und eIn er EIn leitung: Russland vor Peter dem Ersten von Magnus Jakob von Crusenstolpe. Hamburg. Hoffman und Sample. 1855. T.1.- 1855.- 4 337 c.; T.2.- 4 338 p.; T.3.- 1856.- 2 VIII 378 c.; T.4.- X 314 c.; T.5. SKUalb107c0ba2960ee0ec."
Générique Broché D'occasion bon état 01/01/1937 150 pages
Paris François Aldor Relié D'occasion bon état 01/01/1931 100 pages