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Reference : 500186167
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Démons et Merveilles
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Rapidité d'envoi Tous nos articles sont expédiés le jour même de la confirmation de la commande Soin de l'emballage Un soin particulier est apporté à l'emballage, vos objets voyagent en toute sécurité. A votre écoute Si toutefois un incident devait survenir lors de l'acheminement de votre paquet, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter, nous mettrons tout en oeuvre pour vous satisfaire, en vous proposant un retour, un remboursement ou toute autre soluton à votre convenance. Professionnalisme Les livres que nous vendons sont pour la plupart des livres anciens, nous tâchons d'être le plus objectif possible quant à leur état.
Antony, chez l'auteur, 1947. In-12 broché de 253-[3] pages, couverture illustrée d'une composition de Vlaminck.
L'auteur, pacifiste et anarchiste, passa 12 ans de sa vie… de prison en prison, la première fois parce que, jeune recrue, il refusa de casser une grève de cheminots. Edition originale. Couverture un peu salie.
JOUY Etienne de; JAY Antoine; VILLEMAREST Charles-Maxime Catherinet de; LOUET DE CHAUMONT; SKINNER SURR Th.:
Reference : 12496
A Paris / A Londres / Bruxelles, chez Pillet / chez Ladvocat / chez Martin Bossange / Aug. Wahlen / Malepeyre, 1813 à 1827. 37 volumes in-12, cartonnage imitation veau marbré, dos lisses ornés de filets, titre et tomaison dorés, pièces de titre noires, tranches mouchetées. Nom de possesseur à la plume à certains volumes, quelques rousseurs.
Illustré de 64 planches hors-texte, à savoir: 8 pour la Chaussée d'Antin (1+1+2+2+2) / 5 pour Guillaume (2-dont 1 titre gravé +3) / 6 pour la Guiane (2+2+2) / 25 pour la Province (3+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2 - dont 1 carte par volume, 8 dépliantes et ornées de vues) / 4 pour Les hermites en prison (2+2, dont 1 portrait de chaque auteur) / 3 pour Les hermites en liberté (0+1+1+1, dont 1 dépliante) / 7 pour L'hermite en Italie (1+2+2+2, dont 3 cartes dépliantes avec vues) / 4 pour L'hermite de Londres (2+1+1, dont 1 carte dépliante avec vues) et 2 pour L'hermite rôdeur (1+1). Orné en outre de très nombreux et ravissants culs-de-lampe. Bel ensemble, dans une jolie reliure, dont chaque partie est complète (les 2 volumes de Guillaume le franc-parleur étant souvent comptés avec ceux de la Chaussée d'Antin). A noter que les pièces de titre donnent toutes Jouy comme auteur (et Jay quand c'est le cas), alors que seul le début de cette longue série est de lui. Notre ensemble comporte tous les "Hermites" écrits par Jouy, avec quelques-uns qui ne sont pas de sa plume: en Italie, à Londres et l'hermite rôdeur. Barbier II, 617-619; Quérard, la France littéraire II, 419 et IV, 258; Quérard, Les supercheries II, 276.
[Samuel Hoare] [Society for the Improvement of Prison Discipline, and for the Reformation of Juvenile Offenders.]
Reference : AMO-2714
London, Printed by T. Bensley, 1820 1 vol. in-8 (23 x 14 cm) de VI-(1)-65 pages. 10 planches hors-texte (la plupart dépliantes). Voir le détail des sujets ci-après. Cartonnage de l'époque plein papier gris, relié sur brochure, non rogné, étiquette de titre imprimée au dos (d'origine). 1 planche détachée. Quelques rousseurs et feuillets jaunis, néanmoins excellent papier de qualité (papier vélin de cuve). légères usures au cartonnage néanmoins solide. First edition. "The society for the improvement of Prison Discipline, in submitting to the public the following suggestions respecting the proper regulations to be adopted in Prisons, deem it superfluous to detain their readers by endeavouring to prouve what is already obvious, that the judicious mangement of Gaols is a subject of the utmost importance. An intention has been imputed to this society, than which nothing can be more foreign from its real purpose, that of making the interior of a prison a more desirable residence than the habitations of the poor ; the motives which actuate the members of the society are allowed to be benevolent, but the consequences of carrying their views of reform or improvement into effect, are supposed by some persons to be mischievous ; it is presumed that offenders are intimidated, by the miseries and privations they have experienced or anticipate ; if prisons, it is said, are rendered places of comfort, where food and lodging are gratuitously provided, they become incentives to crime and a recompence for its commission. In this view of the subject, however, the society cannot coincide : it is true, they consider it desirable that prisons should be clean, and the food given to the prisoners, plain, wholesome, and sufficient ; but they are equally anxious that everything which borders on sensual gratification or unnecessary comfort should be entirely prohibited. They are of opinion that the punishment contemplated by the law should alone be inflicted, and that no collateral evils, the horrors of disease, and the corruption of principle, should be superadded ; but they are decidedly adverse to any permission of idleness, dissolute behaviour, or to any indulgencies, excepting those conferred as the reward of good conduct ; they are desirous that constant and imperative labour should occupy the prisoners, and prepare their minds for such instruction as may eradicate evil habits, and substitute good dispositions: a prison thus regulated offers no attraction to the vicious, and the society confidently appeal to the evidence of facts as confirming the deductions of reason, wherever this experiment has been fairly tried. It must be apparent to all who have directed their attention to this subject, that the system of Prison Discipline too. generally prevalent in England was confined to a single object, the safe custody of the prisoner ; and to one method of accomplishing that object, severe and sometimes unnecessary coercion : if the prisoner could be retained within the walls of a gaol by bars, by chains, or by subterraneous and unventilated dungeons, by the use of any rigour or privation ; this plan, aiming only at his personal security, was deemed sufficient: the possibility of reforming the criminal seems never to have been contemplated ; no rule was in force, no arrangement existed which could be referred to such a purpose: the attempt to disengage the culprit from long formed habits of vice, and to rekindle in his breast the latent sparks of virtue, were schemes known indeed by the writings of Howard, but generally regarded as the visionary efforts of an excessive philanthropy. Such has been the progress of public opinion, that it is not now requisite to dwell upon the expediency of making these attempts, or to contend against a system calculated to multiply offences, and to ripen indiscretion into crime; a new plan has been gradually developed, in which moral restraint removes the necessity of brutal violence ; in which the prisoner is justly considered as possessing rights which we must not v violate, and feelings which we must not wound, beyond what the sentence of the law demands: a system equally opposed to that dangerous indulgence which permits scenes of vice, drunkenness, or debauchery to be exhibited ; and to that useless cruelty, which, producing no beneficial effect in the way of example, tends to harden the character of those who are subjected to its operation ; a system, in short, which suppresses for a time at least many evil habits, and substitutes those of industry, decency, sobriety, and order. The strong interest taken by the public in this momentous question, the examples which have been adduced of the successful application of these principles to practice ; the zeal manifested by the magistrates in general throughout the country, and the appointment of committees in both houses of Parliament, furnish a well-grounded confidence that the improved system of Prison Discipline will now be fairly and fully tried. The society for the improvement of Prison Discipline have received so many applications for information respecting numerous particulars, that they apprehend they cannot more effectually consult the wishes or convenience of the public, than by an endeavour to collect and arrange those recommendations which the result of reflection and experience enables them to offer. Much consideration has been bestowed upon the plans which accompany this tract, and great assistance has been derived from the architectural skill of Mr. Ainslie, and Mr. Bullar, in the arrangement and illustration of these designs: these gentlemen have gratuitously afforded the Society most valuable aid, for which the Committee beg to express their sincere acknowledgments ; the object in view was to give such plans, as might best combine the advantages of inspection and classification, leaving it to the discretion of different districts to accommodate the same to their own local circumstances. With regard to the rules which are suggested, there is no pretension to originality ; the first aim of the society has been to obtain an accurate acquaintance with the actual management of the best regulated gaols ; to compare attentively the course pursued in each, with their practical consequences ; and then to select and combine, under one arrangement, those rules which appeared upon the whole most judicious and effective. The importance of providing employment for prisoners, and the difficulty of procuring it, have deeply engaged the attention of the society, but hitherto without enabling them to arrive at any conclusion which is universally applicable ; but there is one species of labour obtained by the introduction of mills, and especially of stepping mills, which may furnish constant occupation to a determinate proportion of the prisoners. The advantages derived from the use of mills in several prisons, have been very conspicuous, not so much perhaps in a pecuniary point of view, as in the moral benefits resulting to the prisoner. A stepping mill of a superior description, and which the Committee cannot too earnestly recommend for the employment of prisoners, has been lately constructed, on very ingenious principles, by Mr. Cubitt, Civil Engineer, of Ipswich. To the liberality and kind attention of this gentleman, the Committee are indebted for the annexed illustrations of the machinery, and explanation of its power and effects. . Should the recommendations here collected, be found useful in assisting those gentlemen, who unite the power with the inclination to promote the grand and progressive work of improvement in Prison Discipline, the object of the society will be fully attained. (Preface, London, 1st January, 1820, Samuel Hoare, Jun., Chairman of the Committee). Samuel Hoare Jr (9 August 1751 – 14 July 1825), chairman of the committee was a wealthy British Quaker banker and abolitionist born in Stoke Newington, then to the north of London. His London seat was Heath House on Hampstead Heath. He was one of the twelve founding members of the Society for the Abolition of the Slave Trade. The engravings are : 1. Plan of a County Gaols for 400 prisoners. Designed by George Ainslie. 2. Plan of a Gaol for on hundred and twenty prisoners. G.T. Bullar architect. 3. Plan of the Chapel and sleeping cells. 4. Plan of a house of correction for sixty prisoners. G.T. Bullar architect. 5. House of correction for twenty eight prisoners. G.T. Bullar architect. 6. Ground Plan of a design for a Prison Corn Mill. 7. Crofs section of design for Prison Mill shewing the elevation of Machinery. 8. Crofts sectiloln of design for Prison Mill, shewing the elevation of the tread wheels and method of working. 9. Longitudinal section of design for Prison Mill, shewing elevation of Machinery. 10. Plan and section for a Pump Mill. (complete). Very rare.
Phone number : 06 79 90 96 36
A Lyon, Chez Antoine Cellier fils, 1676, (3), 238 p., (4), 249 p. In-12, en pleine basane brune, dos plat orné de fleurons (reliure pastiche ancienne)Quelques ex libris anciens sur la plage de titre. Trou de vers marginal affectant les vingt premiers feuillets.
Edition lyonnaise XVIIe des oeuvres de Théophile de Viau, incluant dans la troisième partie "le recueil de toutes les pièces faites par Theophile pendant sa prison jusqu'à sa mort". Une des dernières éditions XVIIe des oeuvres complètes de Théophile de Viau tirées à petit nombre. Les écrits de Théophile, chef de file de la pensée libertine, se rencontrent difficilement. Il est vrai que la suspicion d'hérésie plane en permanence sur ses oeuvres. Placé au Panthéon des poètes par Théophile Gautier et Stéphane Mallarmé, Théophile de Viau a conservé jusqu'à ce jour une place à part dans la littérature clandestine du XVIIe siècle.
[DORAT Claude-Joseph; ARNAUD François-Thomas-Marie de Baculard d'; COSTARD Jean-Pierre; WALSCH William; BLIN DE SAINMORE Adrien-Michel-Hyacinthe]:
Reference : 16524
Paris, Sébastien Jorry [et] chez l'Esclapart, 1764-1766. 2 volumes in-8 de [4]-51-36-59-42-[2]-54-[2], 26-[2]-60-53-40-20-32 pages, reliés plein maroquin cerise, dos lisse orné de fleurons et petits fers dorés, pièces de titre et de tomaison olives, fine dentelle aux petits fers dorée aux plats (oiseau), filet doré aux coupes et roulette dorée aux chasses, tranches dorées.
Charmante illustration d'après Eisen qui se compose de 15 vignettes en tête, 15 culs-de-lampe et 13 figures hors-texte. Bel ensemble d'oeuvres du "Chevalier Dorat" (6 pièces), Costard (2 pièces), Arnaud, Blin de Sainmore et Walsch (respectivement 1 pièce), toutes imprimées sur grand papier, et grand de marge. Charmante reliure de l'époque malgré des dos insolés, quelques frottements et de quelques piqûres et rousseurs éparses. Ex-libris moderne de Jean-François Chaponnière. S'ensuit la liste des oeuvres: Dorat : Lettres en vers, ou épîtres héroïques et amoureuses. A Paris de l'imprimerie de Sébastien Jorry, 1766.51p. Dorat : Lettre de Barnevelet dans sa prison, à Tuman son ami, précédée d'une lettre de l'auteur. Paris, Chez Bauche, 1766. 36p. Dorat : Lettre de Zeîla, jeune sauvage esclave à Constantinople, à Valcour, officier français ; précédée d'une lettre à Mme de C**. A Genève, et se trouve à Paris chez Bauche, 1766. 59p. Dorat : Réponse de Valcour à Zéila, précédée d'une lettre de l'auteur à une femme qu'il ne connaît pas. A Paris, chez Sébastien Jorry, 1766. 42-[2] p. Arnaud : Lettre du comte de Comminges à sa mère, suivie d'une lettre de Philomène à Prognée. A Paris, chez Sébastien Jorry, 1765. 54-[2] p. Dorat : Epitre à Catherine II, impératrice de toutes les Russies. A Paris, de l'imprimerie de Sébastien Jorry, 1765. 26-[2] p. Costard : Lettre du Lord Velford à Milord Dirton, son oncle. Précédée d'une lettre de l'auteur. A Paris, chez l'Esclapart, 1765. 60p. Dorat : Le Pot-pourri, épitre à qui on voudra ; suivie d'une autre épître, par l'auteur de Zélis au bain [par Masson de Pezay]. A Genève, et se vend à Paris chez Sébastien Jorry, 1764. 53 p. Walsch : L'hôpital des fous, traduit de l'anglais. A Paris de l'imprimerie de Sébastien Jorry, 1765. 40 p. Costard : Lettre de Cain après son crime, à Méhala, son épouse. A Paris, de l'imprimerie de Sébastien Jorry, 1765. 20 p. Lettre de Biblis à Caunus son frère. Précédée d’une lettre à l'auteur [par Sautreau du Marsy]. Par. M. Blin de Sainmore. A Paris, de l'imprimerie de Sébastien Jorry, 1765. 32 p.