‎Tzu Sun Giles Lionel‎
‎The Art of War‎

‎Arcturus Publishing Ltd 2020 160 pages 66x599x726cm. 2020. Relié. 160 pages.‎

Reference : 500113516
ISBN : 9781838574192

‎Très bon état jaquette abimée‎

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5 book(s) with the same title


Reference : 117709


‎The Lost Art of War. The recently discovered Companion to the bestselling The Art of War. Translated with Commentary By Thomas Cleary.‎

‎ New York, HarperSanFrancisco, 1996, in-8°, vi-154 pp, reliure demi-toile de l'éditeur, jaquette illustrée, bon état. Première édition. Texte en anglais‎

‎"Few things might seem as unlikely as ancient Chinese warriors rising up in modern American business schools, corporate boardrooms, and Hollywood movies, but there they are. The rise of the new China, the power of the global marketplace, the intensification of international competition and rivalry – all of these elements of contemporary affairs may contribute in some way to present-day interest in ancient classics of strategy and conflict management. ... One of the most important functions of strategic literature in the public domain today, therefore, may be to enhance the general understanding of power and its uses and abuses. By understanding power ... it is possible to objectively and truthfully assess the operation if the world we live in. " – from the introduction. In 1972, “The Lost Art of War” was discovered in an ancient Chinese tomb. The first complete manuscript ever found from the legendary military strategist Sun Tzu II (commonly known as Sun Bin, a lineal descendent of the great Sun Tzu), this sophisticated manual delves even deeper than “The Art of War” into the complex principles and practices of organizations, tactical formation, strategic maneuvering, and adaptation. Like those of his distinguished ancestor, Sun Tzu II's insights and strategies can be applied to life situations far beyond warfare – including government, diplomacy, business, relationships, and social action. Renowned scholar Thomas Cleary, universally praised for his ability to capture the often cryptic meanings of Chinese texts, has masterfully translated the subtle and challenging original text of “The Lost Art of War” and has contemporized Sun Tzu II's strategic insights with his own illuminating and accessible commentary. An ancient version of Sun Tzu's “The Art of War” was also found in the tomb, which differs significantly from previously known editions. Thus, Cleary additionally offers a fascinating analysis comparing the teachings of “The Lost Art of War” to those of the classic “The Art of War” as it is presented in this newly discovered version. Sun Tzu II draws on other traditions of strategic thinking while extending the teachings of his ancestor... ‎


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‎House of Representatives. Report on the Art of War in Europe in 1854, 1855, and 1856" By Colonel R. Delafield, U.S.A., and Major of the Corps of Engineers, from the Notes and Observations made as a Member of ""Military Commission to the Theater of War ...‎

‎Washington, George W. Bowman, 1861. 4to. Contemp. full solid calf. Some scratches, som spots to covers. Stamps on printed title-page. Lithographed title in colou and printed title-page. XXIV,277 pp. Profusely textillustrated, and profusely illustrated with large folded maps, lithographed plates, lithographed plates in colour. Textleaves with scattered brownspots and occassionally some foxing. A few maps with closed tears, some strenghtened on verso.‎

‎Published as 36th Congress, 2d Session - House of Representatives. - Ex. Doc.‎


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‎FEUQUIERES (Antoine de Pas de).‎

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‎Memoirs historical and military :. containing a distinct view of all the considerable states of Europe. With an accurate account of the wars in which they have been engaged, from the year 1672, to the year 1710. Interspersed with various reflections on the views, politicks, and interests of the several princes and republicks, by whom those wars were commenced or sustained. With large observations on their characters, considered either as ambitious or pacific powers. Together with remarks on the conduct and abilities of their ministers, generals, governors of places, and other officers, in the plans and execution of the several operations of war wherein they were employed. Translated from the French. With preliminary remarks and a military dictionary, explaining the difficult terms in the art of war, by the translator‎

‎Londres, T. Woodward & C. Davis, 1735 - 1736 2 vol. in-8, xxxv pp., [2] ff. n. ch. de table des chapitres, 408 pp., [4] ff. n. ch. d'index ; [2] ff. n. ch. (titre, table des chapitres), 368 pp., [51] ff. n. ch. de dictionnaire, avec 35 petits bois gravés dans le texte, veau fauve, dos à faux-nerfs ornés de filets et fleurons à froid, pièces de titre et de tomaison cerise, encadrement de double filet doré sur les plats, tranches mouchetées de rouge (reliure de l'époque). Dos entièrement refaits à époque moderne, disparate du plat inférieur du volume I d'avec les trois autres, gardes renouvelées.‎

‎Première traduction anglaise des célèbres Mémoires sur la guerre de M. le Marquis de Feuquière, parus d'abord en 1731 comme le tome IV du Code Militaire de Briquet, puis en 1735-36 sous forme de titre séparé, à l'adresse de Londres, procuré par le frère de l'auteur Jules de Pas de Feuquières.Le marquis de Feuquières (1648-1711) fit une importante carrière militaire. Il s'illustra particulièrement pendant les guerres de Hollande et de la ligue d'Augsbourg. En 1689, il fut nommé gouverneur de Bordeaux mais à la suite d'une opposition avec le maréchal de Villeroy, la disgrâce royale assombrit les dernières années de sa vie.Ses Mémoires n'en sont pas à proprement parler : "C'est une œuvre de technique militaire, dans laquelle l'auteur passe en revue tout ce qu'un bon officier doit connaître et émet de nombreuses réflexions que lui suggère son expérience de la guerre. Il ne s'en tient pas uniquement à la théorie pure, il choisit des exemples de sièges, de batailles, de marches, etc., pour prouver l'utilité de ses réflexions et fait ainsi, souvent avec de grands détails, l'histoire des faits militaires principaux qui se sont produits dans la seconde moitié du XVIIe siècle" (Bourgeois et André).SHF, Bourgeois & André, II, 856. Jordan, 1181Un seul exemplaire de cette traduction au CCF (BnF). - - VENTE PAR CORRESPONDANCE UNIQUEMENT‎


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EUR120.00 (€120.00 )

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‎Collins O. The Books that Changed History: From the Art of War to the Little Pri‎

‎Collins O. The Books that Changed History: From the Art of War to the Little Prince In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Kollinz O. Knigi izmenivshie istoriyu. Ot Iskusstva voyny do Malenkogo printsa M. expo 2018. 256s. SKUalbf6257960a4a4e718.‎

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‎Sun Tzu. The Art of War (Gift). In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Sun'-Tszy. Iskus‎

‎Sun Tzu. The Art of War (Gift). In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Sun'-Tszy. Iskusstvo voyny (podarochnaya).. Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).M.: Sofia 2016. 224s. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalbb3c55ee3b07a0b8f‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR299.00 (€299.00 )
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