National Geographic Editions 2019 312 pages 28x35x5cm. 2019. Broché. 312 pages.
Reference : 500010913
ISBN : 9782822902434
Tres bon etat - livre issu de destockage - pouvant présenter d'infimes traces de stockage
Démons et Merveilles
M. Christophe Ravignot
07 54 32 44 40
Rapidité d'envoi Tous nos articles sont expédiés le jour même de la confirmation de la commande Soin de l'emballage Un soin particulier est apporté à l'emballage, vos objets voyagent en toute sécurité. A votre écoute Si toutefois un incident devait survenir lors de l'acheminement de votre paquet, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter, nous mettrons tout en oeuvre pour vous satisfaire, en vous proposant un retour, un remboursement ou toute autre soluton à votre convenance. Professionnalisme Les livres que nous vendons sont pour la plupart des livres anciens, nous tâchons d'être le plus objectif possible quant à leur état.
(London, War Office, 1860-70). All of the large maps are lithographed (one signed ""lith. James Ferguson"") with positions in colour. The measures given are paper sizes, comprising: 1. Movements of the two Armies after the Repulse of Marshal Massena's Attack upon the Position of Busaco. (68 x 82 cm.).- 2. Battle of Talevera de la Reyna fought on the 27th & 28th July 1809. (113 x 68 cm.). - 3. Battle of Busaco. General Position of the French and allied Armies on the 26th September 1810. (68 x 100 cm.). - 4-6. Battle of Fuentes D'Onoro, Fought on the 3rd and 5th May 1811. Map 1-3., each (68 x 100 cm.). - 7-15. all with the heading title Massena's Retreat No. 1-3 and 5-10 each around (51 x 67 cm.). At end one untitled map. Some foldings strenghtened with tape.
We have been unable to decide whether these maps are a part of a series or just published separately.The Peninsular War was a military conflict between Napoleon's empire and Bourbon Spain, for control of the Iberian Peninsula during the Napoleonic Wars. The war began when the French and Spanish armies invaded and occupied Portugal in 1807, and escalated in 1808 when France turned on Spain, previously its ally. The war on the peninsula lasted until the Sixth Coalition defeated Napoleon in 1814, and is regarded as one of the first wars of national liberation, significant for the emergence of large-scale guerrilla warfare.
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Bogdanovich K. Essays on the Chukotka Peninsula Essays on the Chukotka Peninsula. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Bogdanovich K. Ocherki chukotskogo poluostrova Ocherki Chukotskogo poluostrova. SPB 1901. 238s. SKUalbeae3f03921cb0115.
Creu Casas Bruguès Montserrat Rosa M. Cros Cecilia Sérgio
Reference : 100101086
Institut d'estudis catalans 1989 in folio. 1989. Broché + planches + chemise cartonnée. Cartografia de Briofits peninsula Ibèrica i les Illes Balears Canaries Açores i Madeira / Bryophyte Cartography Iperian Peninsula Baleiric and Canary Islands Azores and Madeira - Fascicle / Fascicule II: 51-100 --- cartes en noir et blanc textes espagnol et anglais en regard
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Golubyatnikov D. Detailed geological map of the Absheron Peninsula. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Golubyatnikov D. Detal'naya geologicheskaya karta Apsheronskogo poluostrova. Atashkinsky District (Shubany): Tablet IV 3: With Atlas and 24 Tables: Title in Russian and English. D. Golubiatnikov. The Detailed Map of the Apsheron Peninsula. The Atashka Oil Region: Pl. IV 3: With Atlas and 24 Plates We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb1318094a82687681
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Garin-Mikhailovsky. N.G. On Korea Manchuria and the Liaodong Peninsula In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Garin-Mikhaylovskiy. N.G. Po Koree Manchzhurii i Lyaodunskomu poluostrovu Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).His book On Korea Manchuria and the Liaodong Peninsula is the result of a journey he made in 1898 in the Far East. It included essays stories and fairy tales created during his journey through Korea Manchuria and the Liaodong Island together with an expedition undertaken by the Russian Geographical Society under the leadership of Alexander Ivanovich Zvegintsev (1869-1915). We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb368ef1f7c208dade