‎Hoffman Alice Gibert Catherine‎
‎La prédiction‎

‎Gallimard Jeunesse 2006 160 pages 20x13x1cm. 2006. Broché. 160 pages. Traduit de Sénès Florence - Illustrations de Jankovics györgy‎

Reference : 43237
ISBN : 9782070570614

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Phone number : 04 78 38 32 46

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‎REMUSAT, Hyacinthe-Marie, chanoine‎

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‎Le livre de toutes les prophéties et prédictions. Passé présent Avenir. Cinquième édition, contenant la prédiction dOrval, la lettre sur la proximité de la fin du monde, par M. le chanoine Remusat. Et la prière indulgentiée de Pie IX.‎

‎ 3186 Paris, L. Maison éditeur. Librairie Louis Janet: Magnin, Blanchard & Cie, 3 rue Honoré-Chevalier, 1861. Un volume in-12° (110 x 157 mm) de [4]+316 pages, reliure de lépoque en demi percaline grise, pièce de titre olive, tranches de queue et de gouttière non rognées, couvertures dorigine conservées.‎

‎La première édition de cette compilation est de 1841. Elle contient: la prédiction dIsaïe contre Jérusalem; celle sur la succession des papes attribuée à saint Malachie; celles de saint Césaire ou Jean de Vatiguerro, du frère Hermann, de labbé Werdin, de Jérôme Botin, du cardinal dAilly, de Pierre Turel, philosophe et astrologue, recteur des écoles de Dijon, de Richard Roussat, chanoine de Langres, de Philippe-Dieu-Donné-Noël Olivarius, et celle [de labbaye] dOrval; prévisions certaines révélées par Dieu à un solitaire pour la consolation des enfants de Dieu; prophétie de Cazotte; la Turgotine; prophéties de la sur Nativité; de la religieuse de ***; oracles sybillins de Mlle Lenormand; visions dune ancienne eligieuse; croix de Migné; prédiction de Martin; ce que pensait Châteaubriand de notre avenir en 1831; M. de Lamartine et lady Stanhope; lettre dun chanoine à un de ses amis sur la proximité de la fin du monde; rapprochements frappants; calculs singuliers; Proudhon socialiste; de lAntéchrist, par Aurélien Augustin, évêque dHippone; appendice: prophétie attribuée au grand prophète Jérémie, prière indulgenciée de Pie IX.La «lettre dun chanoine», censée dater de 1786, est probablement la seule pièce attribuable au (soi-disant?) chanoine Rémusat; on notera avec intérêt que la fin des temps y est agendée pour la fin du XIXe siècle au plus tard! Très bon ‎

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Biblioaxes - Plainview
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‎Prediction and Entropy of Printed English. (Contained in The Bell System Technical Journal, Volume XXX, No. 1, p.50-64.). - [FIRST MEASUREMENTS OF ""SHANNON ENTROPY"".]‎

‎(New York, American Telephone and Telegraph Company, 1951). 8vo. The complete issue in original blue printed wrappers. Pp. 50-64. [Entire volume: pp. 1-212.].‎

‎First edition of Shannon's famous article in which he measures the entropy rate of English text to be between 1.0 and 1.5 bits per letter, or as low as 0.6 to 1.3 bits per letter.""A new method of estimating the entropy and redundancy of a language is described. This method exploits the knowledge of the language statistics possessed by those who speak the language, and depends on experimental results in prediction of the next letter when the preceding text is known. Results of experiments in prediction are given, and some properties of an ideal predictor are developed."" (From the introduction to the present article).""Natural languages are highly redundant"" the number of intelligible fifty-letter English sentences is many fewer than 26*50, and the number of distinguishable ten-second phone conversations is far smaller than the number of sound signals that could be generated with frequencies up to 20.000 Hz. This immediately suggests a theory for signal compression. If you can recode the alphabet so that common sequences of letters and abbreviated, while infrequent combinations are spelled out in lengthy fashion, you can dramatically reduce the channel capacity needed to send the data."" (Sethna, Statistical Mechanics: Entropy, Order Parameters and Complexity, Oxford University Press, 2006, pp. 100). ‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK2,000.00 (€268.24 )


Reference : 42745


‎Prediction and Entropy of Printed English. (Manuscript received Sept. 15, 1950). - [FIRST MEASUREMENTS OF ""SHANNON ENTROPY"".]‎

‎(New York, American Telephone and Telegraph Company, 1951). 8vo. Volume XXX, 1951 of The Bell System Technical Journal. Bound without the general title-page in a nice full green cloth. Library stamp to front free end-paper and first page of tables of contents. Very minor bumping to extremities. A tight and clean copy. Pp. 50-64. [Entire volume: 32, 1255 pp).‎

‎First edition of Shannon's famous article in which he measures the entropy rate of English text to be between 1.0 and 1.5 bits per letter, or as low as 0.6 to 1.3 bits per letter.""A new method of estimating the entropy and redundancy of a language is described. This method exploits the knowledge of the language statistics possessed by those who speak the language, and depends on experimental results in prediction of the next letter when the preceding text is known. Results of experiments in prediction are given, and some properties of an ideal predictor are developed."" (From the introduction to the present article).""Natural languages are highly redundant"" the number of intelligible fifty-letter English sentences is many fewer than 26*50, and the number of distinguishable ten-second phone conversations is far smaller than the number of sound signals that could be generated with frequencies up to 20.000 Hz. This immediately suggests a theory for signal compression. If you can recode the alphabet so that common sequences of letters and abbreviated, while infrequent combinations are spelled out in lengthy fashion, you can dramatically reduce the channel capacity needed to send the data."" (Sethna, Statistical Mechanics: Entropy, Order Parameters and Complexity, Oxford University Press, 2006, pp. 100). ‎


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