2007 2007. Herve Kempf the Whale Which Cache Forest Enquête on Traps of 'Ecology The description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. paperback book 221 pages; Discovery / Essays 1994. In very good shape complete and solid not annotated or torn; clean interior and still fresh;. Whale massacre endangered land deforestation overpopulation rural desertification. so many disasters the evidence of which bathes the good ecological conscience of our fellow citizens. However despite these touching tears ecology has broken down in society. Releasing the ecological problems from the gangue of mythologies and hypocrisy the author profoundly renews the ecological problem by going beyond these commonplaces. in the case of multiple purchases the shipping costs increase very little (except in the event of a change in shipping method). Perlenbook company n ° Siret 49982801100010. RCS Lure Tgi 499828911 N ° GESTION 2007 A 111. paperback book 221 pages; Discovery / Essays 1994. In very good shape complete and solid not annotated or torn; clean interior and still fresh;. Whale massacre endangered land deforestation overpopulation rural desertification. so many disasters the evidence of which bathes the good ecological conscience of our fellow citizens. However despite these touching tears ecology has broken down in society. Releasing the ecological problems from the gangue of mythologies and hypocrisy the author profoundly renews the ecological problem by going beyond these commonplaces. in the case of multiple purchases the shipping costs increase very little (except in the event of a change in shipping method). Perlenbook company n ° Siret 499. Sujet. Ecologie et environnement
Reference : 400064918
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