2010 2010. Autographed François Martin Globalization without Fear Preface Jean Paul Betbèze The description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. paperback book 410 pages at Muller 2010 editions with dedication signed by the author on the cover page in VERY GOOD CONDITION complete and solid without tears clean interior. very few creases on the cover which society after the crisis? Books on globalization are flourishing: geopolitical essays textbooks of economics or current works which surf on the crisis. Rather than try to imitate one of these genres the author found it more useful to engage right in the heart of the crisis to a prospective exercise. In the first part the author takes up the causes of the crisis. Then he helps imagine the future: he paints a picture of the world and its changes he describes for us the many possible scenarios. Finally he offers us solutions - for the world for Europe for France. The liberal world is collapsing before our eyes. What will it be replaced by? Between a rigid and outdated socialist model and an unjust and polluting liberalism is there a alternative? Does the crisis help or make it difficult for us? And our place In all of this ? In this new world will we be the actors or the spectators? With its exceptional international experience by replacing all of these questions in a new conceptual framework the author provides answers on all these points. sending in Mondial Relay for France and Belgium (with follow-up towards a relay point); for the other countries sending in economy up to 25 euros of purchases beyond sending in international colissimo colossally more expensive no sending for DOM TOM for France the sending is always possible by the Post office in colissimo but it is more expensive or even many books in my shop ;.for France and Belgium if other purchases are added to this order the shipping costs increase very little if not at all ; in this case ask me for the corrective invoice after the last purchase. Perlenbook company n ° Siret 49982801100010. RCS Lure Tgi 499828911 N ° GESTION 2007 A 111. Created by eBay
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