Fernand nathan 1935 1935.
Reference : 300011169
Démons et Merveilles
M. Christophe Ravignot
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Robert Laffont, collection Bouquins, 1983. 2 forts volumes in-2 (1187 et 1273 pages, toute de même…), couvertures décorées. Menus défauts.
"C'est à Rome, le 15 octobre 1764, alors que je méditais dans les ruines du Capitole et que les moines chantaient vêpres, pieds nus dans le Temple de Jupiter, que l'idée d'écrire l'histoire du déclin et de la chute de la Ville éternelle se fit jour en moi pour la première fois. C'est par cette simple mais célèbre phrase que Gibbon relate dans ses Mémoires les instants d'inspiration qui devaient décider de sa vie d'historien. Son grand thème, c'est en effet Rome, la Ville éternelle où l'on peut contempler non pas les reliques de la superstition mais celles de l'empire ; c'est aussi la dégénérescence d'institutions exemplaires sous le double effet du despotisme et de la superstition ; c'est la victoire de l'Eglise sur l'empire ; c'est enfin les grandes leçons de l'histoire qui se méditent silencieusement quand les ténèbres gagnent les ruines où reste ensevelie une civilisation entière. Tout cela, Gibbon le dit en écrivain autant qu'en historien. En poète même. Il érige à la gloire de Rome un livre aussi rigoureusement équilibré qu'un temple antique ; mais en même temps, il laisse se noyer d'ombre les vastes portiques qu'il édifie. C'est sa façon de partager le goût du temps pour la mélancolie des ruines ; mais cette tentation ténébriste, il s'en sert pour exprimer son pessimisme dans l'avenir de la civilisation des Lumières, menacée, comme jadis celle de Rome, par la montée de masses humaines qui feront désormais l'histoire. Son livre s'en trouve approfondi, amplifié, et il élargit l'arène de l'histoire à des dimensions jusque-là insoupçonnées. Oeuvre unique dans la littérature historique du XVIIIe siècle, cette histoire de Rome jette les derniers feux de la clarté classique alors que s'allongent déjà les ombres du romantisme. "
Rome, Eden Hotel, (vers 1920). Petit in-12 à l'italienne (c'est logique), cartonnage décoré -avec quelques rousseurs-, dos de vélin blanc, muet. Illustré de 24 vues de Rome, hors-texte.
Tout à fait ravissant.
'' Rome ancienne - Rome souterraine et Byzantine - Rome Féodale et Papale - Rome moderne '' Rome, la capitale de l'Italie, est une ville riche en histoire, avec des couches d'histoire allant de l'Antiquité à la période moderne. Voici un aperçu des différentes périodes de l'histoire de Rome : Rome ancienne : La fondation légendaire de Rome remonte à 753 av. J.-C. selon la tradition romaine. Rome antique était le centre de l'Empire romain, qui a atteint son apogée au Ier siècle av. J.-C. et au Ier siècle de notre ère. C'était une période de grande prospérité, de développement architectural et de conquêtes militaires. Parmi les monuments les plus célèbres de cette époque, on trouve le Colisée, le Forum romain, le Panthéon et le Circus Maximus. Rome souterraine et Byzantine : Sous la Rome antique, il y avait un réseau complexe de catacombes souterraines utilisées pour l'inhumation. La période byzantine de Rome a commencé après la chute de l'Empire romain d'Occident en 476 de notre ère et a duré jusqu'à la conquête de la ville par les Lombards en 751. Pendant cette période, Rome est devenue une partie de l'Empire byzantin. Rome Féodale et Papale : Après la chute de l'Empire romain, Rome est devenue une ville importante dans le cadre du Saint-Empire romain germanique. Au Moyen Âge, Rome est devenue le siège du pouvoir papal et du christianisme. Les papes résidaient au Vatican, et la ville est devenue le centre de l'Église catholique romaine. Des bâtiments emblématiques tels que la basilique Saint-Pierre, la Chapelle Sixtine et le Palais du Latran ont été construits pendant cette période. Rome moderne : Au cours des siècles suivants, Rome est devenue une ville importante dans la Renaissance italienne, avec des artistes tels que Michel-Ange et Léonard de Vinci qui ont travaillé sur des projets importants à Rome. Au XIXe siècle, Rome est devenue la capitale du Royaume d'Italie unifié, mettant fin à des siècles de domination papale. Aujourd'hui, Rome est une ville moderne qui allie son histoire riche à une vie contemporaine animée. Elle est célèbre pour ses musées, ses galeries d'art, sa cuisine, et bien sûr, le Vatican, qui reste un centre religieux majeur. Chacune de ces périodes a laissé une empreinte significative sur la ville de Rome, et nous pouvons explorer ses différentes facettes en visitant ses nombreux sites historiques et culturels. fort volume in-4, 270x180, relié demi chagrin, dos à nerfs, frottements, toutes tranches dorées, 673 pages, poids 2,2 kg Ouvrage orné d'un joli panorama dépliant de Rome, signée de Rouargue et Doherty. L'ouvrage est complet de ses 25 planches par Rouargue (dont un plan dépliant) ainsi qu'un grand nombre de figures dans le texte. Paris Furnes, Libraire éditeur 1845
, Brepols, 2020 Paperback, 436 pages, Size:190 x 290 mm, Illustrations:67 b/w, 75 col., 10 tables b/w., 1 maps b/w, Languages: English, German. ISBN 9782503588384.
Summary Important centres of charity, hospitality and representation, the national churches of Rome were also major hubs of musical production. This collective work is the fruit of several years of largely unpublished research on the musical life of these institutions, considered for the first time as a whole. What it primarily brings to light is the common model which emerged from the interactions between the national churches, as well as between these and other Roman churches, in musical matters - eloquent example of a unifying cultural paradigm. The repertories used by these churches, the ceremonies and celebrations they orchestrated in the teatro del mondo which Rome constituted at the time, their role in the placing of musicians within the city's professional networks are just some of the themes explored in this work. The cultural exchanges between the national churches and the "nations" that they represented in the pontifical city form another important area of investigation: whether musical or devotional, connecting places of worship and private palaces or extending from one side of the Alps to the other, these exchanges reveal the permeability that characterised many national traditions. At the heart of this richly illustrated study are two fundamental lines of inquiry: the first concerns the processes of identity construction developed by communities installed in foreign lands, the second line of inquiry is cultural hybridity. In pursuing these, we aim to further understanding of the dialectics of exchange at work in Rome during the modern period. * The preparation of this publication has benefitted greatly from the collaboration of Jorge Morales. TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword by Bernard Ardura Introduction by Michela Berti and milie Corswarem I. The Musical Model of National Churches in Rome ? 2. NOEL O'REGAN Cappella fissa-Cappella mobile: the Organisation of Musicians for Major Feastdays at Rome's National Churches ? 3. CRISTINA FERNANDES A Close Look at S. Antonio dei Portoghesi and Roman Life: The Testimony of Father Manuel de Campos ? 4. KLAUS PIETSCHMANN Music Cultivation in Roman National Churches before the Council of Trent ? 5. TOBIAS DANIELS A New Organ for the Anima. The Notarial Contract of 1546 and the History of the "German National Church" in Rome in the Middle of the Sixteenth Century ? 6. FRANCESCA FANTAPPI -JOS MAR A DOM NGUEZ Alessandro Scarlatti and the Spanish National Church of S. Giacomo degli Spagnoli ? 7. ESTEBAN HERN NDEZ CASTELL The Musical Archive of the Spanish National Church of S. Maria in Monserrato in Rome II. Music and the Identity Process Identity and Repertory ? 8. BERNARD DOMPNIER Identity Affirmation and Roman Conformity: the Festive Calendars of the National Churches ? 9. CRISTINA FERNANDES Daily Liturgy and 'Internal' Musical Practices in S. Antonio dei Portoghesi ? 10. GALLIANO CILIBERTI S. Luigi dei Francesi in the Seventeenth Century: a Laboratory for Music, Liturgy and Identity ? 11. ESTEBAN HERN NDEZ CASTELL : Evidence of a 'More Hispano' Polyphonic Passion at the Spanish National Church of S. Maria in Monserrato in Rome ? 12. MILIE CORSWAREM S. Luigi dei Francesci's Volume of Masses dating from 1557: an Example of French Polyphony ? 13. MICHELA BERTI The musical collection of San Luigi dei Francesi: on the trail of national character The Construction of National Identity from Self-Representation and Conflict ? 14. JOS MAR A DOM NGUEZ To Obey the Pope and to Serve the King: Cardinals, Identity and Ceremony in the National Churches c. 1700 ? 15. BRUNO BOUTE Liturgy and Bureaucracy-Bureaucracy as Liturgy ? 16. DIANA CARRI -INVERNIZZI Political Images and the National Churches of Rome c. 1640 ? 17. JORGE MORALES Musical Practices and Identity. The Story of the Roman Sojourn (1623-27) of Maurice of Savoy, Crown-Cardinal of France ? 18. ANNE-MADELEINE GOULET Self-Fashioning a French Cultural Persona in Rome: Marie-Anne de la Tr moille (1683-1686) ? 14. CRISTINA FERNANDES : Portuguese Celebrations in Rome, between the Embassy and the National Church: Sacred and Secular Music for the Glory of the King III. National Churches : Network in Rome and Cultural Transfer ? 20. DOMENICO ROCCIOLO 'Inhabitants of Various Nations' in Rome from the Sixteenth to the Eighteenth Century ? 21. ANNE PI JUS Foreign Musicians and Musical Networks in Late Sixteenth-Century Rome: Spanish Composers between the Oratory and the National Churches ? 22. CRISTINA FERNANDES Oratorio Musical Traditions in Rome: Portuguese connections ? 23. FRANCESCO PEZZI The Musical Patronage of a Cardinal Protector: Otto Truchsess von Waldburg in Rome ? 24. CRISTINA FERNANDES Portuguese Young Musicians under Royal Patronage in Rome and their Relations with the National Church: some Pieces of the Puzzle ? 25. CRISTINA FERNANDES The Role of the National Church of S. Antonio dei Portoghesi in the 'Romanisation' of the Lisbon Royal and Patriarchal Chapel Afterword by Kate van Orden Illustration Credits Translators Index of Persons Index of Places
, Brepols, 2022 Paperback, xcv + 442 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:63 b/w, 1 col., Language(s):English, Middle English. ISBN 9782503594675.
Summary The scene is Rome in the fifteenth century, Golden Rome, a magnet drawing pilgrims by its architectural attractions and the magnitude of its religious importance as the mother of faith. The Austin friar John Capgrave attended Rome for the Jubilee in 1450, including the Lenten stations, and his Solace of Pilgrimes, intended as a guide for subsequent pilgrims, was written up following the author's own pilgrimage. In three parts it covers the ancient monuments, the seven principal churches and the Lenten stations, and other churches of note, especially those dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The work has been described as the most ambitious description of Rome in Middle English. The present edition offers a new Text based on a transcription of the author's holograph manuscript. Parallel with the Text there is a modern English Translation. The illustrations, mostly from a period slightly later than the 1450 Jubilee, aim to give some visual clue as to what Capgrave saw. There is a full account of the multiple sources that he used, most of which is the product of new research. Following the Text there is a Commentary that aims to provide some background information about the buildings and monuments that Capgrave focuses on, and to explain and illuminate any difficulties or points of interest in the Text. Capgrave is an omni-present guide leading us towards what he considered an appropriate interpretation of the classical past as a foundation for the Christian present, which built on it and surpassed it. TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface Abbreviations Introduction Select Bibliography Editorial Procedure The Solace of Pilgrimes by John Capgrave OSA Part I Ancient Rome Introduction and list of chapters in Part I ch 1 The original founders of Rome ch 2 The gates, walls and towers of Rome ch 3 The bridges of Rome ch 4 The hills of Rome ch 5 The 'palaces' in Rome ch 6 The triumphal arches in Rome ch 7 The cymyteries 'catacombs' in Rome ch 8 Holy places and their pre-Christian names ch 9 The Angulla Sancti Petri 'St Peter's Obelisk' ch 10 Pagan temples turned to Christian use ch 11 The Capitol ch 12 The statue of the Dioscuri ch 13 The statue of Marcus Aurelius at the Lateran ch 14 The Coliseum ch 15 The Pantheon ch 16 Ara Celi ch 17 The Mausoleum of Augustus ch 18 The Septizodium ch 19 The Circus of Tarquinius Priscus ch 20 The Cantharus in the atrium in front of old San Pietro ch 21 The 'pyramid' or tomb of Romulus ch 22 The paleys 'temple' of Trajan ch 23 The conch-shaped font where Constantine was allegedly baptized ch 24 The place called Omnis Terra (= Monte Testaccio) ch 25 The rulers of Rome from the time of Romulus to the last king Tarquinius ch 26 The rulers of Rome from Tarquinius to the first emperor ch 27 The emperors of Rome from Julius Caesar to Frederick II (d 1250) Part II The seven principal churches and the stations for Lent Prologus ch 1 San Pietro ch 2 San Paolo fuori le Mura ch 3 San Sebastiano ch 4 San Giovanni in Laterano ch 5 Santa Croce in Gerusalemme ch 6 San Lorenzo fuori le Mura ch 7 Santa Maria Maggiore ch 8 The station at Santa Sabina ch 9 The station at San Giorgio in Velabro ch 10 The station at Santi Giovanni e Paolo ch 11 The station at San Trifone ch 12 The station at San Giovanni in Laterano ch 13 The station at San Pietro in Vincoli ch 14 The station at Santa Anastasia ch 15 The station at Santa Maria Maggiore ch 16 The station at San Lorenzo in Panisperna ch 17 The station at Santi Apostoli ch 18 The station at San Pietro ch 19 The station at Santa Maria in Domnica ch 20 The station at San Clemente ch 21 The station at Santa Balbina ch 22 The station at Santa Cecilia in Trast vere ch 23 The station at Santa Maria in Trast vere ch 24 The station at San Vitale ch 25 The station at Santi Marcellino e Pietro ch 26 The station at San Lorenzo fuori le Mura ch 27 The station at San Marco ch 28 The station at Santa Pudenziana ch 29 The station at San Sisto Vecchio ch 30 The station at Santi Cosma e Damiano ch 31 The station at San Lorenzo in Lucina ch 32 The station at Santa Susanna ch 33 The station at Santa Croce in Gerusalemme ch 34 The station at Santi Quattro Coronati ch 35 The station at San Lorenzo in Damaso ch 36 The station at San Paolo fuori le Mura ch 37 The station at San Martino ai Monti and the station at San Silvestro in Capite ch 38 The station at Sant'Eusebio ch 39 The station at San Nicola in Carcere ch 40 The station at San Pietro ch 41 The station at San Crisogono ch 42 The station at San Ciriaco in Thermis ch 43 The station at San Marcello al Corso ch 44 The station at Sant'Apollinare ch 45 The station at San Stefano Rotunda ch 46 The station at San Giovanni alla Porta Latina ch 47 The station at San Giovanni in Laterano ch 48 The station at Santa Prassede and the station at Santi Nereo e Achilleo ch 49 The station at Santa Prisca ch 50 The station at Santa Maria Maggiore ch 51 The station at San Giovanni in Laterano ch 52 The station at Santa Croce in Gerusalemme ch 53 The station at San Giovanni in Laterano ch 54 The station at Santa Maria Maggiore Part III Other churches of note, especially those dedicated to our Lady Prologus ch 1 Santa Maria Rotunda (= Pantheon) ch 2 Santa Maria in Aracoeli ch 3 Lacking ch 4 Santa Maria sopra Minerva ch 5 Santa Maria Annunziata ch 6 Santa Maria in Transpontina ch 7 Santa Maria in Palmis ch 8 Santa Maria del Populo ch 9 Santa Maria Antiqua ch 10 Santa Maria in Cosmedin ch 11 Santa Maria Imperatrice ch 12 Santa Maria della Consolazione ch 13 Santa Maria in Portico Further chapters lacking Commentary Appendix Index of Names and Places