A Genève, chez J.-J. Paschoud, 1803. In-4°, demi-chagrin vert, dos à nerfs orné (reliure postérieure). [2] ff. - XV-285-(1) pp.
Reference : 4111
Edition originale illustrée de 17 planches. (Pritzel, n° 9705 ; Nissen, n° 2042).La conferve est le nom générique de certaines algues vertes capillaires, articulées ou cloisonnées, vivant surtout en eau douce.Vaucher (1763-1841) était professeur de botanique et membre de la Société d'histoire naturelle de Genève.Quelques annotations manuscrites en marge des planches.Manque, sans gêne pour la lecture, à la page de titre.Bon exemplaire.
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Genève, Paschoud, 1803; un volume in 4 relié en demi-basane demi-basane à coins, dos orné de filets dorés (reliure de l'époque), (habile restauration à la coiffe, rousseurs), (2), 15pp., 285pp., 3pp., 17 planches,dorés
---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- "VAUCHER'S MOST IMPORTANT WORK". (DSB) ---- "His observation and interpretation of conjugation and spore formation in algae, particularly in Ectosperma, was later renamed Vaucheria by De Candolle. Although the cell theory had not yet been developed, he drew and described the cells showing that they were bounded by separate walls and had a certain degree of independence. He showed how conjugation can occur between cells of threads lying side by side, or cells of a single thread folded over on itself, by means of the communication channel through which the contents of one cell pass to fuse with the contents of the other cell. He also showed male organs, or anthers, protruding to meet other cells and was sure that this was a sexual act, comparable to that found in higher plants and to the copulation of animals. The newly formed grains, or spores, dropped to the bottom of the ditches in which the algae were found, and in order to verify that they would germinate to give new filaments of Ectosperma in the spring he had to culture them in the laboratory, an uncommon practice at that time. He showed similar conjugation in other primitive algae, and the formation of new nets in old cells of Hydrodictyon". (DSB XIII p. 595)**5162/ARB4
Genève, chez J. J. Paschoud, An XI - 1803. In-4, broché, couverture de papier marbré postérieure, étiquette de titre manuscrite, [2]ff.-XV-285 pp.-[1]f. (errata). Complet des 17 planches gravées in fine. EDITION ORIGINALE.
Pasteur et botaniste suisse, Jean-Pierre Étienne Vaucher (1763 -1841), membre fondateur de la Société de physique et d'histoire naturelle de Genève, s’intéresse ici à l’étude des algues d'eau douce, dont les conferves, les ulves et les trémelles. Déchirure restaurée à la couverture de papier, minimes piqures sur les seuls f. de titres. Très bon état. - Frais de port : -France 6,9 € -U.E. 9 € -Monde (z B : 15 €) (z C : 25 €)