Fabio Borbottoni (illusts & text); Giovanni Fanelli (curator)
Firenze Perduta: L'immagine di Firenze nei 120 Dipinti di Fabio Borbottoni (1820-1901) / Lost Florence: The Collection Of 120 Oil Paintings Showing The Interiors Or Exteriors Of Various Old Buildings, Monuments, Gates, Bridges & Sections Of City Of Florence & Its Surroundings Now Changed Or No Longer Existing, Including Those Of The Old Town & Ghetto Now Torn Down together with the collection's 'Catalogue & Historical Background, Franco Maria Ricci ( FMR), Florence 1982, 2 volumes, grands in-4 carrés, pleine toile d'éditeur, 120 reproductions des tableaux de Fabio Borbottoni, tirage à 1000 ex. numérotés, très beau livre, très bon état