‎AUGUSTIN Antonio ‎
‎Antiquitatum Romanarum ‎

‎Hispanicarumque in numis Veterum Dialogie XI.Latine redtti. Ab Andrea Schotto Societ.Iesu.Cuius accesit Duodecimus.De prisca Religione,Düsque Gentium.Seorsim éditae Nomismatum Icones.A.Jacobo Biaeo aeri graphicè incisae In folio reliure plein cuir fauve,dos muet à 6 nerfs et fers et filets à froid sur les plats. Titre orné d’une vignette gravée, XIV, 182 pages XVI pages d’index 1page d’errata Anverpiae apud Henricum Aertssium 1617à la suite Nomismata imperatorum Romanorum aurea argentaea aerea A. C Julio Caesare usque AD Valentinianum AVG OPERA Jacobo BIAEI Antverpiani aeri graphice incisa Antverpiae 1617.Titre illustré et gravé,II,complet des 68 planches gravées,4 pages d’index.Rare.Reliure restaurée,le dos,les coins, pages de gardes remontées. Intérieur très bon état ‎

Reference : 7905


€980.00 (€980.00 )
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5 book(s) with the same title


Reference : 153297


‎ Typis B. Javarina/Io.B. Pasquali, Venetiis, 1732-1737. In folio, 33 voll., p. pergam. coeva, titolo oro su tassello al dorso. Ai frontespizi (alcuni con tit. in rosso e nero) bella vignetta inc. in rame su disegno del Tiepolo, testo e numeraz. delle pagg. su due colonne; ornati da grandi capilettera figur. e da finali inc. su legno e numerose tavole f.t. (anche pi volte ripieg.), inc. in rame. Importante collezione, stampata a Venezia negli anni tra il 1732 e il 1737, particolarmente apprezzata per le magnifiche illustrazioni. E' da considerarsi come la pi vasta rassegna di antichit romane, greche e italiane fino a quel tempo, in cui vengono trattate questioni centrali per i temi dell'arte e dell'architettura.In questo monumentale "Thesaurus antiquitatum" vi sono riuniti i contenuti di quattro "thesauri" precedenti:<br> - Johannes Georgius Graevius, "Thesaurus antiquitatum romanarum" in quo continentur lectissimi quique scriptores, qui superiori aut nostro seculo Romanae reipublicae rationem disciplinam, leges, instituta, sacra, artesque togatas ac sagatas explicarunt & illustrarunt.. Editio altera. Venetiis, Typis Bartholomae Javarina / Typis Io. Baptistae Pasquali, 1732-1737, 12 volumi con 219 tavole: vi figurano piante di citt, carte geografiche e topografiche (tra cui una bella e dettagliata pianta di Roma), monumenti, vedute, piante architettoniche; magnifiche le tavv. dedicate ai giochi circensi e ai teatri, ecc. "Seconda edizione" (la prima di Utrecht 1694-1699). "L'importanza dell'opera del Grevio ancora oggi universalmente nota tra gli studiosi di iconologia e gli storici dell'arte, continuamente citata oltre che da Gombrich, anche da Panofsky, Klibansky, Saxl, e dal grande maestro e fondatore dell'Istituto omonimo, Warburg."<br> - Jacobus Gronovius, "Thesaurus Graecarum antiquitatum".. Venetiis: Typis Bartholomaei Javarini, 1732-1737, 13 voll. (l'ultimo il vol. d'"Indices absolutissimi": Effigierum / Auctorum et Operum / Rerum et Verborum.), con 345 tavole. "Seconda edizione" (la prima di Lione, 1697-1702).<br>- Albert Henrik de Sallengre, "Novus Thesaurus antiquitatum romanarum congestus". Venetiis, Baptistae Pasquali, 1735, 3 voll. con 18 tavole. "Seconda edizione" (la prima di The Hauge, 1716-1719).Cfr. Olschki,XI,18021: "ces trois volumes, qui font suite aux Antiquits Romaines de Graevius, renferment 85 travaux rudits, dont plusieurs ne se trouvent pas facilement dans des ditions spares".<br>- Giovanni Poleni, "Utriusque Thesauri antiquitatum Romanarum Graecarumque nova supplementa". Venezia, Typis Jo: Baptistae Pasquali, 1737, 5 voll. con con 44 tavole. "Prima edizione".<br> Cfr. Morazzoni, p. 235 - Cicognara,2488: "E' inutile che di un'opera si' vasta e si' accreditata si pongano qui annotazioni. Troppo nota la preziosit della raccolta e il merito degli autori dai quali formata" - Brunet,II,1689 - Graesse,III,128.Esemplare ben conservato.The significant contributions of many of the works which appeared between the early sixteenth and very late seventeenth centuries and the importance of their further dissemination in the Rpublique des lettres' is documented by their compilation and re-edition in the encyclopaedic "Thesauri" of Johann Georg Graevius, Jacob Gronovius, Albert Hendrik Sallengre und Giovanni Poleni (1694-1735).. Altogether the works comprised, in the words of Hellmut Sichterman, the most important treatises in the study of antiquities to have appeared until then..The thirty-three new Venetian volumes, in folio, provide a repertory of the antiquarian and archaeological literature of the past centuries, and they represent an extraordinarly valuable source for the study of antiquity. The Thesauri of antiquities that Graevius and Gronovius compiled and edited contain hundreds of treatises on famous men and women, geography, topography, chronology, the military, religion, institutions and customs, as well as writings on monuments, buildings and aqueducts, sculpture, painting, inscriptions, gems and coins..(cos M. Daly Davis, Author and Subject Indices of the Thesauri-Corpora' (Venice 1732-1737)).‎


Phone number : +39 02 804607

EUR15,000.00 (€15,000.00 )

‎ROSINUS Iohannes - Johann ROSZFELD - Paulus MANUTIUS - Andreas SCHOTT :‎

Reference : 29750

‎Antiquitatum Romanarum corpus absolutissimum. Cum notis Doctissimis ac locupletiss. Thomae Dempsteri I.C. ...‎

‎"14. Amstelodami (Amsterdam), Ex Typographia Blaviana, 1685, thick in-4°, 24 x 18.5 cm, engraved title-page + (iv) + 934 + (30) pp, index, 7 engr. plates (by P. Philippe), some folding, cont. vellum, ties missing, raised back, gilt supralibros on front and back cover, speckled edges, small stamp neatly cut from title-page (no loss of text), small text loss at p. 32 due to a missing corner. Still a fine copy. The text is sometimes in 2 columns, printed in roman and italic with occasional Greek quotations The engrav. title bears the inscription; ""Romanarum antiquitatum corpus absolutissimum cum notis doctissimis Thomae Dempsteri I.C. et oeneis figuris accuratissimis."" Johann Roszfeld, 1551- 1626, a Lutheran preacher from Saxony. This first compilation of Roman ""antiquities"" (religion, law, literature, customs) was first published at Basel in 1583; Thomas Dempster, 1579? - 1625, a Scotsman, expanded it. Bound in at the end (with continous pagination) ; Pauli Manutii Antiquitatum Romanorum Libri Duo, de Legibus ed de Senatu...studio And. Schotti."‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR600.00 (€600.00 )

‎ROSINUS Iohannes - Johann ROSZFELD - Paulus MANUTIUS - Andreas SCHOTT :‎

Reference : 29751

‎Antiquitatum Romanarum corpus absolutissimum. Cum notis Doctissimis ac locupletissimis Thomae Dempsteri I.C. ... Editio postrema, ab innumerabilibus erroribus repurgata.‎

‎" Trajecti ad Rhenum (Utrecht), Apud Guilielmum vande Water, 1701, thick in-4°, 24 x 19 cm, (xii) + 956 + (30) pp, index, with 7 engr. plates (by P. Philippe), cont. vellum, ties missing, smooth spine, gilt supralibros with coat of arms on front and back cover. The text is sometimes in 2 columns, printed in roman and italic with occasional Greek quotations The engrav. half-title bears the inscription; ""Romanarum antiquitatum corpus absolutissimum cum notis doctissimis Thomae Dempsteri I.C. et oeneis figuris accuratissimis."" Johann Roszfeld, 1551- 1626, a Lutheran preacher from Saxony. This first compilation of Roman ""antiquities"" (religion, law, literature, customs) was first published at Basel in 1583; Thomas Dempster, 1579 - 1625, a Scots historian and humanist, publ. an expanded edition (Paris, 1613). Bound in at the end (with continous pagination) ; Pauli Manutii Antiquitatum Romanorum Libri Duo, de Legibus ed de Senatu...studio And. Schotti."‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR500.00 (€500.00 )

‎[P. PHILIP (graveur)] - ‎ ‎ROSZFELD Johann (ROSINI Iohannis) - DEMPSTERI Thomae‎

Reference : 16302


‎Antiquitatum Romanarum corpus absolutissimum.‎

‎Cum notis Doctissimis ac locupletissimis Thomae Dempsteri J.C. Cui accedunt Pauli Manutii Libri II De Legibus, et de Senatu, Cum Andreae Schotti Electis,I. De Priscis Roman, Gentibus ac Familiis.II. De Tribubus Rom. xxxv. Rusticis Atque Urbanis.III. De Ludis Festisque Rom. ex Kalendario vetere.Cum Indice locupletissimo Rerum ac Verborum, &amp; aeneis figuris accuratissimis Urbis, &amp;c.Editio novissima, prioribus omnibus longe emendatior.A Amstelaedami, apud Salomonem Schouten - 1743 - 8ff, 956 pages et Index 15ff.Titre-frontispice allégorique, 7 gravures (dont 2 dépliantes) un plan de Rome (dépliant). Lettrines, culs-de-lampe et vignette de titre.Superbe reliure plein vélin de l'époque. Dos à 5 nerfs orné de fleurons dorés, titre manuscrit. Double filet doré encadrant les plats. Plaques dorées aux centres des plats (blason) avec double encadrement de filets et fleurons angulaires. Mors du 1er plat fendillé. Pas de rousseur. Bon état. Format in-4°(26x21).Johann Roszfeld né 1551, est un historien et antiquaire allemand qui enseigna à Ratisbonne avant de se consacrer à la prédication. Le livre Antiquitatum Romanarum corpus absolutissimum est son travail le plus célèbre, et a d'abord paru à Bâle en 1583.Le premier grand Corpus sur la religion et les moeurs des anciens romains. C'est un traité détaillé sur le peuple romain, la religion, le calendrier des fêtes, les lois, la justice, l'armée, la famille. De nombreux chapitres décrivent les moeurs de table, les festins, les jeux, les saturnales, les fêtes des différentes saisons, l'art de recevoir, les divers plats, la boisson. De nombreux chapitres traitent du vin.Avec les notes et commentaires du fantasque et très érudit savant écossais Thomas Dempster (1579-1625).‎

‎P. PHILIP (graveur) ‎

Phone number : 09 67 04 07 48

EUR475.00 (€475.00 )


Reference : 17396

‎Antiquitatum Romanarum Iurisprudentiam Illustrantium Syntagma. Secvndvm Ordinem Institvtionvm Ivstiniani Digestvm In Qvo Mvlta Ivris Romani Atqve Avctorvm Vetervm Loca Explicantvr Atqve Illvstrantvr. Editio Nova Prioribvs Emendatior Et Locvpletatior.‎

‎ ARGENTORATI,Strassburg, Dulssecker 1755. reliure plein veau epoque,dos orne de caissons dores,tranches rouges,20 cm. (22), 576p; mit 1 gestochenen Frontispiz, 1 gestochenen Vignette und 1 gefalteten Verwandtschaftstafel. Festeinband, Halbledereinband der Zeit mit Rückenschild - Stintzing / Landsb. III/I, 182ff (vgl.) - 5. Ausgabe von Heineccius' erstmals 1719 erschienenem Hauptwerk.‎

‎bon etat reliure,rousseurs texte, ‎

Livres Anciens Komar - Meounes les Montrieux

Phone number : 33 04 94 63 34 56

EUR150.00 (€150.00 )
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