‎ Architecture‎

‎Dessins originaux, aquarellés, d’une maison bourgeoise. Juillet 1853 signature et date en bas à gauche. Format 404x418 mm 1) plan de l’étage souterrain 12 juillet 2) Plan du rez de chaussée 14 juillet 3) Plan du premier étage 16 juillet 4) coupe sur coté droit 18 juillet 5 coupe sur AB 20 juillet 6 élévation 22 juillet dessin, architecture, maison, étage, aquarelle, lavis, plan coupes, élévation, XIXème siècle, Napoléon, Second Empire style‎

Reference : 11198


€120.00 (€120.00 )
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5 book(s) with the same title


Reference : 44105


‎Handbuch der Land=Bau=Kunst,vorzüiglich in Rücksicht auf die Construction der Wohn=und Wirtschafts=Gebäude für angehende Cameral=Baumeister und Oeconomen. Erster-Zweyter Theil. 2 Bde. (1.Theil in Neue Auflage). - [SEMINAL WORK ON ARCHITECTURE.]‎

‎Berlin, Verdrucht auf Rosten des Forfatters, 1798. 4to. Bound in 2 contemporary half calf. Spine with gilt leather title-label. Wear to extrimities, especially to spine: Loss of top 2 cm of spine and upper half of back hinges loose on volume 2. With library stamps to title page. Internally with occasional brownspotting, all the plates are, however, very nice and clean. (6), 296 pp + 24 hand coloured engraved plates" (1), VIII, 325, (4) + 23 hand coloured engraved plates.‎

‎Second printing of German architect David Gilly's seminal and famous work on country and rural architecture. The present work is one of the most successful examples of architecture integrating urban and regional planning and architecture and is probably the most important contribution to the development of Prussian Classicism. Gilly had extensive technical knowledge particularly of wooden roof structures. ""One of the trendsetters within the late eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century electorate was David Gilly (1748-1808), a second generation Huguenot whose family had come from Provence. He established the theory and practice of rual architecture in Brandenburg-Prussia"" functionality and utility were paradigms by which he desgined buildings. Through his son (1772-1800), Gilly influenced the famous romantic-classicist Klarl Friedrich Schinkel and his school."" (Finney, Seeing Seeing beyond the word: visual arts and the Calvinist tradition, p. 272). David Gilly built the two castles Paretz (1796) and Freienwalde (1798) for the king of Prussia. ‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK25,000.00 (€3,353.05 )


Reference : 60224


‎Perspectivae pictorum atque Architectorum / Der Mahler und Baumeister Perspectiv. 2 parts. - [ONE OF THE EARLIEST TREATISES ON PERSPECTIVE IN ART AND ARCHITECTURE]‎

‎Augsburg, Jeremins Wolff, 1719. Folio (335 x 203 mm). Two parts bound in one contemporary full vellum. Title in contemporary hand to top of spine. Top of front hinge split. Binding with a bit of wear and with a few dots and marks. Ex-libris pasted on to pasted down front end-paper. Inner front hinge split. Two first frontispieces with small tear and nicks in margin, soiling and dampstain to upper outer margin. First frontispiece with repair in the center. 7 leaves with closed tears. A few damp stains and light occassional soiling throughout. And overall nice copy. Parallel text in German-Latin. 228 full page engraved plates and 6 frontpieces (Three to each part). ‎

‎Fine later edition of Pozzo’s important architectural work containing instructions for how to apply and effectively use perspective in in painting and architecture. It is considered one of the earliest treaties on perspective in art and architecture. The increasingly complex architectural demonstrations displayed in the present work is a fine testament to the author's belief that beauty in representation originates from suitably proportioned architecture. The work was first published in 1698 and went through editions, even into the 19th century, and has been translated from the original Latin and Italian into numerous languages such as French, German, English, and Chinese thanks to Pozzo's Jesuit connection. Graesse V, p. 429.(Brunet IV, 984 - The first edition).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK10,000.00 (€1,341.22 )


Reference : 55471


‎Architecture Francoise, ou Recueil des Plans, Elevations, Coupes et profils des Eglises, Maisons Royales, Palais, Hôtels & Edifices les plus considérables de Paris, ainsi que des Château & Maisons de plaisance situés aux environs de cette Ville, ou e...‎

‎Paris, Charles-Antoine Jombert, 1752. Folio. (47,5 x 32 cm.). Bound uncut in 2 contemp. hcalf. (Text and plates bound separately). Gilt spines. Titlelabels with gilt lettering. Light wear to spine-ends. A few small nicks and minor scratches. A paperlabel pasted on upper part of spines. Stamps on title-page. 2 engraved title-vignettes, 2 large engraved textvignettes. (IV) V-IX,(3),298,(2)"(4),164 pp., 307 engravings on 302 engraved sheets (152 and 148 +), many double-page and folding. Some engraved textillustrations. Wide-margined. A few quires with light browning. A few plates with light marginal brownspotting. Printed on good paper.‎

‎First edition. The first volume concerns Fauburg Saint-Germain, volume II: Luxembourg, Cité, Fauburg Saint-Antoine et Marais.""In his clear and rational Architecture françoise, a four-volume work published from 1752 to 1756, he covered the past century and more of French buildings in and near Paris, setting them in their historical context and providing a wealth of detailed information that would otherwise have been lost. In the preface, he remarked, ""I have used simple terms and a popular style with the intention of being understood by layman and artist alike"" having noticed that recent books about architecture are either badly organised or overlong.""He originally planned eight volumes, but only the first four were published. The work brought him to official notice"" he was inducted into the Académie Royale d'Architecture in 1755 and appointed architect to Louis XV."" (wikiwand.com).""Le grand mérite de ce livre est de nous conserver les dessins de nombre d'édifices qui sont oujourdhui ou entièrement détruits ou tout à fait dénaturés"" malheureusement l'ouvrage, qui devait avoir 8 vol. et renfermer 1200 pl., n'a pas été terminé...""(Brunet I,977).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK45,000.00 (€6,035.49 )


Reference : 61516


‎Den Danske Vitruvius [The Danish Vitruvius]. Indeholder Grundtegninger, Opstalter, og Giennemsnitter af de mærkværdigste Bygninger i Kongeriget Dannemark, samt de Kongelige Tydske Provintzer, Tilligemed en kort Beskrivelse over hver Bygning i sær. Dee... - [A MONUMENT OF BAROQUE ARCHITECTURE]‎

‎Kiøbenhavn (i.e. Copenhagen), Ernst Henrich Berling, 1746-49. Folio (485 x 325 mm). Uniformly bound in two beautiful contemporary Cambridge-style mirror bindings with eight raised bands and gilt lettering and ornamentation to front board. Spine with repairs. Wear to extremities, scratches to boards and spine, corners bumped and front hinge on both volumes weak. Edges of boards with some loss of leather. Ex-libris (Einar Christiansen, renowned Danish book collector) pasted on to pasted down front end-paper in both volumes. First 50 ff. (all text leaves) with dampstain to upper half of leaves. Otherwise internally nice and clean. Engraved frontispiece, (10), 96 pp. + 120 engraved plates pp (2), 267 pp. + 161 engraved plates. Fully complete with the engraved frontispiece and all 281 full-page engraved plates (a few folded) of prospects, designs and drawings.‎

‎First edition of the only extensive Danish work of architecture, a Baroque masterpiece that is of great international importance.No-one has done as much for the understanding of Danish architectural heritage and building construction as Lauritz de Thura (1706-1759), one of the most important Danish architects ever to have lived. His magnificent magnum opus is not only of national importance but is also internationally significant, as much of his inspiration came from his travels abroad. He is responsible for bringing the Baroque style to Denmark, where he let it flourish for longer than it did in other countries. He kept developing it, in spite of the fact that it was losing terrain to the new rococo style that so quickly became so popular" also therefore, his great work constitutes one of the most important sources of Baroque style. In 1735, Thura received a royal grant that enabled him to travel around both Denmark and Europe to collect the necessary information for writing the most comprehensive work on architecture in Denmark. It took him more than a decade to gather all the information necessary for the monumental work, and finally, in 1746, he could publish the first part of the work, with the second following in 1749. The work contains 281 drawings, measurements, designs and prospects of Danish buildings, including, of course, the royal castles.Biblioteca Danica II, 602Graesse VII, 153 Brunet V, 851Katalog over Ejnar Christiansens efterladte bogsamling, no. 477 (""beautiful copy"").‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK40,000.00 (€5,364.88 )


Reference : 61137


‎Cours d'architecture qui comprend les ordres de Vignole. Nouvelle & Troisieme Edition. 2 vols. (Title-page on vol. 2: Dictionnaire D'Architecture) - [""THE BEST WORK OF ITS KIND YET ISSUED""]‎

‎Paris, Nicolas Langlois, 1699. 4to. Uniformly bound in two contemporary full calf bindings with five raised bands and richly gilt spines. Edges of boards gilt. Traces from old paper-label on both spines. Light wear to extremities. Head of spine on vol. 1 chipped. Ex-libris pasted on to pasted down front end-papers. Previous owner's name to title-page in both volumes. A few occassional brownspots in vol. 2, otherwise internally nice and clean. (10), XII, (68), 355 pp. + 31 folded doublepage plates, not in the collation and 84 full page engraved plates, included in the collation and 1 frontispicece (a total of 116 plates)"" (6), 259 pp. + frontispiece.‎

‎Third edition of Daviler’s beautifully illustrated architectural work which significantly contributed to architectural education and theory and helped to standardize architectural education and practice in France. It provided detailed explanations and illustrations of classical architectural orders as defined by Renaissance architect Giacomo Barozzi da Vignola. It ""was the best work of its kind yet issued and soon superseded F. Blondel's Cours d'architecture"" (Fowler). It “was the standard work for architects (…) This book included a life of Vignola, a description of buildings by him and by Michelangelo, and a dictionary of architectural terms. Daviler also gave practical advice for the design and construction of buildings. His book contained plans and elevations of a typical house and designs of all architectural details such as door-ways, entrances, and windows, including even the design of gardens.” (Macmillan Encyclopedia of Architects, Vol. I, p. 504).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK7,500.00 (€1,005.91 )
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