‎Jeremias ‎

‎D’après Martin de Vos.Excudit de Sadeler. En feuille Très bon XVIIè 20 x 14‎

Reference : 6589


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Librairie Seigneur
Martine Seigneur


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5 book(s) with the same title

Reference : alb4cfb37fceab9b036

‎Jeremias Otokar. Die Bruder Karamasow Bratri Karamazovi. In English /Jeremias Ot‎

‎Jeremias Otokar. Die Bruder Karamasow Bratri Karamazovi. In English (ask us if in doubt)/Jeremias Otokar. Die Bruder Karamasow Bratri Karamazovi. The Karamazov Brothers opera in German and Czech Prague Hudebni Matice Umelecke Besedy 1930. SKUalb4cfb37fceab9b036.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR799.00 (€799.00 )

‎P. M. Daly;‎

Reference : 39052

‎Andrea Alciato, Jeremias Held Jeremias Held. 'Liber Emblematum' (Frankfurt-am-Main 1566), ‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols, 1999 Hardback, VI+238 p., 301 b/w ill., 160 x 235 mm. ISBN 9782503525396.‎

‎This work by Jeremias Held (Henry Green, no. 74) is the second German translation of the emblems of Andrea Alciato, who is rightfully known as pater et princeps of the emblem. The first German translation was written by Wolfgang Hunger and published by Chrestien Wechel in a bilingual Latin-German edition in Paris in 1542. Held's version, printed in 1566 and 1580, has never before been offered in its entirety in a modern reprint. It, too, is a bilingual edition with the Latin texts followed by Held's German version. Jeremias Held produced this, the second German translation, which appeared in a 1566 and a 1580 edition. The 1566 edition was printed in Frankfurt-am-Main by Georg Raben for Simon Huter and Sigmund Feyerabend. The colophon is dated 1567. Held's version contains 132 woodcuts in text to Alciato's 212 emblems, and they are numbered i-ccxvii. The numbering of the emblems has caused some confusion. Henry Green (190) hastily called the number 217 a misprint, but it is not. The number 217 is correct and derives from the separate numbering of the alternative versions of the epigrams, which Alciato had labled ?aliud,? to four of the emblems. Held's written German is simple and colloquial. In fact it is sloppy. In matters of orthography, we cannot know if the typesetting accurately represents his intentions, but it probably does. Languages : English, Latin.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR82.50 (€82.50 )

‎Gotthelf, Jeremias (d.i. Bitzius, Albert). - Juker, Bee und Martorelli, Gisela:‎

Reference : 32868AB


‎Jeremias Gotthelf 1797-1854. Bibliographie 1830-1975. Gotthelfs Werk, Literatur über Gotthelf.‎

‎Bern, Verlag Stämpfli. 1983 Klein-4°. 461 S., 3 S. Anzeigen. Originalleinwand mit Schutzumschlag.‎

‎"Kataloge der Berner Burgerbibliothek." - Schönes Exemplar.‎


Phone number : +41 313 123 711

CHF40.00 (€42.87 )

‎Gotthelf, Jeremias (d.i. Bitzius, Albert) :‎

Reference : 3051BB


‎Der Bauern-Spiegel oder Lebensgeschichte des Jeremias Gotthelf. Zweite durchgesehene und vermehrte Ausgabe.‎

‎Burgdorf, Druck und Verlag von C. Langlois. 1839. VIII S., 1 Bl., 381 S., 1 S. Anzeigen. Pappband der Zeit mit Kleisterpapierbezügen und handschriftlichem Rückenschild.‎

‎Juker-M. 212. - Seltene zweite Ausgabe, zwei Jahre nach der ersten Ausgabe erschienen. - Gotthelf schrieb dazu ein neues Vorwort, worin er sich gegen seine Kritiker stellt. S. 377-381 mit einer 'Worterklärung', deren Verfasser unbekannt ist. - Einband an den Ecken bestossen. Vorsatz mit gelöschtem Bibliotheksstempel. Stockfleckig. Ca. 4 Bl. in der unteren Ecke fleckig.‎


Phone number : +41 313 123 711

CHF200.00 (€214.37 )


Reference : R61734


Phone number : +32476917667

EUR160.00 (€160.00 )
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